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Rin came back with a plastic bag full of stuffs. I took the pill first of course. 

"Uhm... Rin?" I called him. He's in the kitchen making me food.

"Yeah?" he went back to my room, his head is popping on the door.

I took out the condoms from the bag. "What's this?"

"Condoms?" He grin.

"We're doing it again?"

"You don't want to?" he made a puppy face. I tried to hold my laugh back. 

"Alright, after I rest." 

He smiled at went back to the kitchen to bring the food to me. "Drink this pineapple juice..."

He insist on feeding me, I just let him do what he wanted. I poked him.

"Can we cuddle for a bit?"

He opened his arms and I snuggled on to him. I slept for a bit and woke up when I felt someone playing with my chest.

"Can we do it now?" I answered with a kiss. We did it multiple times. He went home the next day. He even lied to his mother that he slept over Atsumu's.

[time skip hahaha I'm rushing this now. I want to finish it as soon as possible. Forget the one hell of a plot I'm saying]

A year passed and we are now third year. I went home during holidays and my parents never visited my apartment. Not that I want them to. Rin stay over at my house once a week, you know what we are doing. But most of the time we just cuddle, play games and watch movies.

We never introduced ourselves to our parents. We didn't talk about it because we only laugh when we meet. We never had a problem, only rumors and the last time we fought. Actually we didn't fought, he didn't even know I was hurt that time. That was last year, sometimes I visit their house when there is someone's birthday. We are neighbors and classmates so his family never got suspicious of us. 

I even got to hangout in his room. I never got to see 'that girl' again. She isn't a relative because he showed his family to me. But it's been a year so I just ignore that.

At school we hangout as always on the rooftop, we eat lunch and sometimes skip school. 

I'm happy. 

"L/n Y/n, your grade is getting lower and lower. Make sure to makeup it up in the mid term okay?" sensei remind me after class.

"Yes, ma'am." 

I'm not even failing! I admit my grades are lower than my normal grades in the past few years but it's fine. I guess. I don't have the highest score means I failed? Maybe mom asked sensei to be strict to me.

I sigh.

"What's the matter?" Osamu asked me. I'm on my way to the clubroom.

"I ranked second."

"What's wrong about that? the stupid brother of mine can't even go to the top ten."

I chuckled. "I'm fine with it. I think my mom found out and now my teacher is nagging me."

"You use to be number one every time eh?"

I rolled my eye. "Yeah, but I don't to club activities back then... You know she pulled strings."

When we got in the clubroom the boys are already there, changing. "Hi everyone..."

"Hello, y/n! Captain!"

"Can we hangout later at your house?" Atsumu asked.


"No." I looked at Rin. "We're having a date."

"We are? you didn't tell me." Rin hug be from behind and rest his chin on my shoulder. I wrap my right arm to his neck.

"Then, can we join your date?"

"Of course, not."

"Aww.. stop you two."


"Too much public display of affection." I laughed and let go of my boyfriend.

The training went as what it suppose to. Even I who doesn't know much about volleyball can see how much they improved. It's a bit hard to adjust since the third years left but I'm glad we can manage. We're still in contact in case we need some help.

"Let's go." Rin hold my hand and took my bag.

"Where are we going?"

He simply smile at me. Handsome. I felt butterflies in my stomach with the thought that I'm one of the people who can see his beautiful smile.

We rode a bus and I slept on the way. I noticed that I'm becoming a sleepy head. Maybe that's why I don't study that much like I used to, I put way too much time sleeping. 

"Baby, wake up..." I felt a hand on my face. It's Suna. "Where here.."

I opened and eyes and it glimmer when I saw the ocean outside the bus window. "Let's go!"

I pulled my boyfriend out of the bus and he is following me with a smile on his face. "Don't run, you'll trip."

"I won't! But catch me if I fall, okay?" I giggled and run to the bay. I saw some small sea shells, I pick the color black brown one. It reminds me of Rin. 

"Babe!" we said at the same time. I smiled when I saw him holding a shell on his hand.

"This is for you." we once again said it at the same time. I laughed. 

"Thanks! Woah.... It's super white! So pretty....." The shell is pure white with no other color and it is perfectly shaped. "I love it...."

I gave my boyfriend a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you too.. This is beautiful... Let's buy a lace and make this a necklace."

"Oh my! let's do that before going home."

Suna placed a blanket on the sand. I asked him when did he got it and he answered. "I brought it at school."

We both sat there and watch the beautiful crystal clear waves. There are some family enjoying the water, the kids playing with the sand and some teens like us doing a picnic. Even if Rin doesn't want to, I forced him to dip our feet on the water. 

His  slacks got a little wet and we chased each other. It feels like where in the movie. The sand stick on us! I can't remove it so we dried ourselves using the blanket before leaving. I slept there too because it's windy and relaxing, a perfect place to sleep despite of the people's noise.

Suna bought a couple of lace and hang the shells we picked for each other. "I love it.."

I smiled with what he said. "I love it too.."

We went home after that. That was our twenty second date. We mostly go to the mall and park because we don't have  that much of time, but today is a little extra. And I'm happier.

"Bye! Love you.."

"I love you too. See you tomorrow..."Rin kissed me before leaving my house.



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