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Suna stared at you thinking god knows what. "You're a teacher now?"

"Yes. You?"

"I still play volleyball.." You didn't know what to say. How nice it must be for him. He doesn't look that passionate for volleyball because he always seem uninterested with everything he does. Well, I don't think he will start something if he doesn't like it. 

You started walking. Riri's school is near Inarizaki high school, with that you can fetch him easily. 

"Let me walk you there..." Suna said and walk beside you. Both of you didn't talk, it's a little awkward but you can manage. You pass through the convenience store, the street foods you two always eat after school and some students are walking the same way. It makes you feel like you're back in time.

"How nostalgic..... It's been years." You unintentionally said that out loud. "Oh."


"Well.... will you see Riri later?" you asked him when you arrived at the school gate.

Suna smiled a bit and it made your heart skip a bit. He is still handsome like always. "Yes. See you later.."

You nodded and went inside. After school, you quickly left the school and went to Riri's. "Mom!"

"Hi!" your son ran to you and gave you a hug. "How's your day?"

"It's fun." you didn't know if Suna will come here at school or at home, but you decided to go home. If he didn't find us here he will just go there.

While you were making dinner, Riri is at the table doing his little homework. "Let's eat, baby. Keep your papers."

"Is Oyaji not coming today?" said your son.

"Uhm... I'm not sure. He said he'll see you." Riri pouted and started eating. "Do you like him?"

The child looked at you trying to read your expression to know how he can answer. 

"It's fine, you can tell me."

"I do. He's fun.." he bowed a little. "Mom, is he my dad?"

You smiled. He must have wanted to ask me that. He grew up worrying about you too because at some point he understand the situation. You felt sorry for him for not telling the truth and keep him in a situation like this. Confused but he had no choice but to go with the flow his parents made. You don't want to give your son a hard time.

"He is..."

Riri's face brighten. "Really?!"

"Yes.." he hugged you.

"I have my dad!" joy represent your son's reaction but it made you feel otherwise. That stings your heart. Riri must have wanted a father for a long time but he can't complain to me.

"I'm sorry for not telling you sooner..."

"It's okay! I know adults have their problems."     

The child is happy while eating his food when the doorbell rang. You opened the door and Suna was there holding a bouquet of flower and a paper bag on the other hand.

"Hi?" you open the door more so he can come in. "What's with that.."

"For you." He place the flower in front of me. 


It's a Red and white Tulips. 


Yesterday Suna made you upset because he ditched you. The two of you was supposed to visit the museum but five minutes before the meeting time he texted that he can't make it. 

You already finished getting ready. You didn't reply and asked Osamu to come with you instead. For some reasons you didn't ask Tsumu because you feel like the venue doesn't suit him.


I'm sorry, I already have plans.

You sigh and decided to go alone. It's not like I'd die if I'm alone, I also have the driver with me. You arrived at the place and you went to the restroom first because the drive is quite long. 

"Y/n?" your head quickly turned and saw Kuro. He is someone you know from the training camp. 

"Kuro, long time no see?"

"I know right? Are you alone?"

"Yes.." He asked you if he can join you and you said yes. A company doesn't hurt. You took pictures alone and with Kuro, just for memories. You find it funny because your school motto is 'we don't need memories'.

"Should I take you home?" the man asked after you guys finished.

"No, thanks. I have a driver with me. You? do you want me to give you a ride?"

"Nah, we go on the opposite way and It's not manly to have a girl take me home."

You chuckled at Kuro. "Well, see you next time!"

You gave him a hug and the two of you went on your own ways. Somehow, you forgot that you're upset with Suna. He'll be jealous if he find out I went there with Kuro. so I better not tell him. You thanked the driver and went inside your apartment. You opened the light and saw Suna in front of you holding a bouquet of flower. A red and white tulips.

"Welcome home..." you stared at him trying to act mad. "I'm sorry..."

You sigh and accepted the flower. Your boyfriend hugged you. You played with his hair a little and he kissed you. 


"Am I forgiven?" the boy is sticking his nose to yours. You didn't answer and kissed him back. Things go on and on till you reach the bed.

The next morning he is sleeping next to you hugging your waist and your head using his arm as a pillow. With that yesterdays problem is forgotten.


How I wish everything would be fine like before. 

"Thanks..." you put the flower on the vase without arranging it. More like you don't know how to.

"Dad! Did you already eat?"

Suna was taken a back with his son's word. "D-did he just called me D-dad?"

He whispered that to you with shock all over his face. "Yes."

"I haven't.." Suna is smilling as he answer his son.

"Come eat with us!"



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