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"Hi guys..." 

Everyone's attention is now on the man standing in front of the door. He travelled his eyes and it landed on you. From you to the child in your arms. 


You turned away and ran to a random room. Did he see Riri? D-did he noticed him? 

You were panicking while your some is worried about you. He is trying to touch your face and keep asking you what's wrong. You feel sorry to Riri but you started crying. Every pain you thought you already forget keeps on flashing back like a wave.

"M-mom.... Why are you crying?....What's wrong?" You hug Riri. "Momma, don't cry..." 

When your son started crying it finally gave back your senses. "Ah! Baby, I'm sorry.... I.... I'm fone, don't worry... D-don't cry..."

You kissed his eyes. Some one knocked on the door. "Y/n? It's Hori..."

You opened the door. "I'm sorry for causing a scene!"

"It's okay...." she went inside and gave you a hug. "I understand.... I know how much you've hurt.."

You hug her back tightly and tried your best not to cry in front your son again. You rest in the room the entire afternoon. You felt sorry for Riri because you can't let him go outside. Suna might see him, but you're not yet ready to tell everything.

Some of the guys played with your son for a little because they'll get wasted later because of the  alcohol.

It's already eight in the evening and most of them are drunk dead. Suna already left so you decided to leave incase he come back here. You left the twins there and reminded the couple to let them sleep there because they didn't bring their car. But when you were about to leave Atsumu went inside your car.

"You stink, uncle Tsumu!"

When you arrived at home, you had a hard time bringing Atsumu's drunk ass inside your house. I shouldn't have bought him here, luckily you have a spear room. It was renovated before you moved in.

"Alright, let me bath you!" you bath Riri and prepared him to bed. "Good night, baby.."

"Are you okay now, mommy?"

Riri's chubby hand is tracing your face. "I am okay now. I'm sorry you have to see that earlier... I love you so much!"

"I love you more! bigger than the universe!" He kissed you.

"Alright, sleep tight. I'm just going to shower.."

You quickly showered and was about to sleep beside your son but you heard a knock. You open it on a hurry thinking it might be Samu but you were wrong. 

"Y/n....." Suna. You look at him from head to toe. He's taller, muscular and his face looks red. Is he drunk?

"W-what are you doing here?"

He walk close to you but tripped and landed on your shoulder. You sigh and help him to walk to your sofa. He keep mumbling something and you only understand your name.

"Y/n...." you sat beside him.

"What do you need?"

"I heard...."

My heart skipped a beat. "You heard what?"

"Rikki..... He's my s-son.."

"W-what? Who t-told you that?!"

Suna shrugged. "I can't remember... some random guy..."

You massaged your temples. "So what?"

"He's my sooon!" Suna said with a tone, he really is drunk. I can't understand his action. Is he celebrating? angry or what?

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