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After that kiss I tried to stay away from Suna as much as possible. But of course I still need to see him everyday because I'm their manager.

We acted like nothing happened. That made me upset somehow.... That was my first kiss! and he doesn't even talk to me. I mean, I know he is not the type who talk first but I'm also not that type of person. So how do we communicate?

I never liked someone before. I didn't know it was this hard, now I understand the characters in the books I've read. Do I really like him? We talked like five times and now I like him? I mean, he is indeed attractive but... I don't know a thing about him.

"Y/n..." I panic when Suna approach  me.

"Yes?!" I accidently let go of the drinking bottles. "Sorry!"

"Where's my towel?" he ask as he help me pick up the bottles.

"Huh? Hori-senpai always has it."

"Oh." he handed me the last bottle.

"Thanks!" I finally relaxed after he left.

Whoa.... that scared me. It's our first talk after that kiss. I blushed remembering it again.

"Hey Y/n, what are ya blushin at?" I quickly covered his mouth.

"Shut your mouth, tsumu...." I looked around and no one's paying attention other than Suna. I looked at Atsumu with a sharp eyes and smiled.

"What's the tea?" he whispered.

I chuckled. "What tea?"

"Don't be shy, I won't tell anyone." he convinced me for a little while.

"Okay, you better keep your mouth shut." He nodded and got his face serious that made me laugh. "I like someone in the team..."

"Ohhhh.... Who?"

"Why would I tell you?" we are whispering like idiots.

"Come on! gemme a clue.."

"I'm not really sure If I really like him..."

"The fact that ya thought about him and he mess yer mind. Maybe ya really like him! Come on the clue."

"Uhmm... We already kissed...." I said in a very low voice hoping Atsumu won't hear it.

"Seriously?! I was hoping it would be me! Hahaha." I slapped his arm lightly. "Well I need to investigate , huh?"

"You will not know..." I stick my tongue out and run to Hori-senpai's side. Well, I'm confident that Suna will not tell him that we've kissed.

Wait.... Will he? He will not, right?

The next day Atsumu is less loud. He was whispering to each member of the team, not gonna lie I'm nervous. Maybe Suna is ashamed for kissing me so he won't tell. I don't even know anymore. I don't want him to tell it because Atsumu will find out who I like and everyone would know it. With that mouth of his.

On the other hand, I kinda hope he will tell him. It means that he doesn't think it's shameful to kiss me. But people might judge me for kissing a man I barely know.

I trembled a bit when he finally walked to Suna. I crossed fingers praying that what ever happen I hope it won't trouble me.

I bit my bottom lip when they both glance at me. I made an asking face to Atsumu but he grinned. Did he found out? no.... No. No way. Atsumu is smirking all the time they were practicing. When his eyes wonder at me and tease me with his annoying face. I forgot about Suna because my attention was in Atsumu trying to read his reaction.

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