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"Hi everyone!" I greeted the team as I enter the gym.

"Hey y/n!"

I started doing my task but I notice Suna is missing. We go to the gym parted every friday because my last subject has a very strict teacher.  "Hey, Kita-senpai. Where's Suna?"

"He didn't tell you?" I shake my head. "He's skipping today. There's something going on in his house."

"Eh? Is he alright?"

Captain patted my shoulder. "Yeah, someone important visited their house.."

"Oh, okay. Arigato..." Who's that 'someone important'?

I did my job nicely and quickly left the school. I wasn't used to walking alone now, I always have Suna with me. Should I go visit him? But they have a visitor. And they're important...

Maybe I should just drop off some snacks so I could see him.

I went to the convenience store and bought his favorite snacks. I also took a couple of drinks, he likes root beer.

I walk excitedly to his house. There's a something off. I said in my mind, but I chose to ignore it.

I clicked the doorbell and waited for a bit. A beautiful woman opened it. She has light brown hair and a hazel eyes. She sweetly smiled at me. "You're the girl who moved three months ago... I haven't greet you, I'm sorry.."

"Oh, i-it's okay.... E-etto.... I'm here for Suna."

"This is the Suna household... which one of us?" She chuckled.

I blushed out of embarrassment. "Gomenasai! I'm looking for Rintaro."

"Alright, he's in the living room. Come in!"

"No- Uh.." It's rude to refuse her. "I'm just handing him something.."

"It's okay! Are you his friend?"

I didn't know what to say. Did Suna told his parents that he has a girlfriend? I nodded not knowing what to do.

"You're his friend, you can come here anytime...." I silently sigh.

"Thank you for having me..."

"Rin! You're friend is here." she lead me to their living room. I was caught off guard when I saw him sitting in the couch with a girl in front of him sitting between his legs. They girl is kissing my boyfriend's knees.

"H-hi.." I force myself to smile. There's a wavering pain with in me that I can't explain.

Suna was shocked. "Y-y/n, what are you doing here?"

His answer made me feel unwanted. "I-i'm just h-handing this.... You left i-it.."

"Huh?" I threw the plastic bag to him and I quickly left after that. I heard him say okay when I was at the door.

I ran in to my house feeling empty. What was that? Suna and the girl seem close.... Is she his sister? He's not cheating isn't he? Is that cheating? he have a girl between his legs and they look happy. Maybe it's a relative?

I slept thinking about it. We have volleyball training every saturday but I said I will skip today. I just don't feel like it, I might make mistakes and make it worse if I go there with messed up mind.

I decided to just clean my house. I put my hair on a messy bun. I wore a comfortable short shorts and an oversized shirt.

I listened to my playlist as I clean the house. I started cleaning and declutter my stuff. After an hour or so I finished. I am on the door carrying a box full of not needed things when someone rang the door bell.

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