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Suna pouted a little and face the other side to hide his face. I chuckled. "Atsumu is my first friend that is why I talk to him more than anyone else."

"Talk to me more then."

"I'm bad at that kind of stuff...."

"Me too..."

We stayed silent once again. It's annoying. How are we suppose to talk after confessing to each other? we like each other, now what? Do we really like each other?  He seem to be the type who has a lot of experience in this kind of things because he's a 'rebel kid'. He might be lying to me... 

"Let's go home." he broke the silence. 

"Okay.." he took my bag and carry both of our bag on his left hand. "I can do it.."

"I can do it too." he took my hand and started walking. He walked me to my house. "Goodnight see you tomorrow..."

I thought that's it but he kissed me on my forehead while his hand is on my waist. "G-goodnight, take care.."

I quickly run into my apartment and silently scream behind the door.

 [you know the scream that is not really a scream but it is a scream?? lmao]

The person I'm attracted to likes me!  

Now what? I like him, he like me too. Then, what's next? What are we? He didn't tell me if we're already dating. But he kissed me. Well, he kissed me back then too when we haven't confess. I think he has kissed a lot of women.

That thought made me upset. I keep on thinking the same thing. I'm confused.

I took a quick shower and ate my dinner. I was laying on my bed after I finished all of my home work and some club stuff. My eyes were fixed at my ceiling with lights that looks like a galaxy, my mind is no where to be found while doing that.

I came back to my senses when my phone made a sound. I pick it up and my heart beat went up. It's Suna. 


Hi, It's Suna. What are you doing?


Hello! I was doing nothing. I can't fall asleep. How about you?


Me neither. Oh, I got your number from Atsumu.



I sigh after sending that text. Our conversation will end that way. I don't know how to talk.... I threw my pillow out of annoyance.


Can I call?

I jumped when Suna replied. He replied! I quickly replied sure.

"H-hello..." I nervously greet him. It's my first time calling someone like this!

"Hey, y/n.." I bit my lower lip because his voice is so attractive. 

"Why did you call?"

"I don't know, I wanna hear your voice.." I can't help but to squeak. I heard him chuckle.


"I can see your blushing face..." I blushed harder after he said that.

"I-i'm not b-blushing!"

"Hmm? liars will be punished you know..."

"What? Am I going to hell?" I was laughing. 

"Yeah.... I'm the demon...And I'm gonna.. never mind. You're an Angel sent from above.."

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