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"Good Morning.." You woke up with that voice. You saw Suna standing beside the bed while dressing Riri.

"Morning.. What time is it?"

You stood up and went to the bathroom to wash your face. "It's six am."

"Ah... Huh?" you looked outside the bathroom with just your head showing. "Why is he dressed?"

"He will be staying at the Miya's."

"And who decided that?"

"Him. Right, buddy?" He looked at Riri and the child happily replied.

"Yes! I wanna see my twin uncles." The two of them did a high five. You narrow your eyes to them but they ignore you.

You quickly took a bath and changed inside the bathroom. He's dangerous. When you went out the room they are already eating a sandwich. Suna gave you one and you eat it with them.

"Alright! Dad, text uncle Samu to fetch me fasterrr.." Riri cling to Suna.

"Wait, what? You'll leave?" you said confused. 

Riri walk to you can gave you a hug and kisses. "Yep!"

You pouted because you're a little upset. "You don't want me anymore?"

"WhaaAt?" your son exaggeratedly said. "I love mommy the most!"

"Huh? What about me?" Suna interrupted. 

"Hehehe I love you two the most!" the child cutely giggled and the three of you played a little and ended up laying on the floor.

You sigh. Riri wants to leave my side, isn't that too soon? He's more lively now. He used to not like other people but now he is open to met them. I'm supposed to be happy but I'm a little upset. I just want to keep him by my side.

Soon after that, the twins arrived. They stayed a little for a coffee and a little talk since I haven't talk to them for a while because everyone's busy with their lives.

"You guys are going to the amusement park?"

"Kids Amusement park." Osamu clearly said.

"You better be. If anything happens to Riri I'll kill you both." you threatened your friend.

The two of them saluted. "Yes, ma'am!"

"You should check the towel on his back from time to time, and there's a water, food, and extra clothes in the bag. Done make him hungry okay?"

"Yes, you said that a million times." Osamu said tired of your nagging. 

"Alrighty! Bye mom and dad!" Atsumu said while waving with Riri.

"Fuck off, Tsumu." Suna said annoyed.

"Enjoy your alone time mom and dad!" you quickly shifted your eyes to Riri because of what he said. Osamu whispered him that.

"Don't teach anything ridiculous to son my son you stupid twins!"

The kids left and the two of  you is left alone in your house. You taught silence will eat the house but didn't. You can't just ask him to leave. It's not an appropriate manner. At least that's what you think.

"Ahhhh!" you screamed because Suna carried you. "What the fuck are you doing!"

You shivered when he slapped your ass. No. What the hell. What is he doing. You wiggled trying to escape from his hand but you can't, he is too strong.

He threw you to the bed. You closed your eyes and accepted what ever he want to do. You stayed like that for a minute but nothing happened. You slowly opened your eyes and he is just staring at you with a smug face holding his laugh. 

"You..." you embarrassedly get out of the bed and about to leave the room but he grab your waist. You froze when he kissed your head. "W-what.."

There's a loud beating from your heart. It's been a while since you felt that. 


"Then let me go."

"Uhm.. Do you want to go on a date with me?"

You think as fast as you could, you ended up saying yes. There's nothing to loose If I come with him. And maybe this is the 'chance' to make me love him again.

I would be lying if I say that I'm not scared. I am scared of not being enough, not being able to fulfill his desires. I am scared of him leaving us behind, I am scared of him hurting Riri- Hurting me, again. 

On the other side, What if he really changed? I know he have changed. His way of thinking and how he takes his actions. He might not do it again, we already had Riri. He always had this sense of responsibility, it just happened that he didn't know about our children before. But now, he won't even let a day pass without seeing Riri.

I realized that I should really give ourselves another shot. Back then during my down fall. I wonder what life is. Is it to be born? is it to learn how to walk, how to talk, smile, read... Is it to learn at school, graduate from school, have a work, get married, raise a child then fade from the world without anyone caring but your family? 

But maybe it is not. I still have no Idea what life is.. I have no Idea how you consider a well spend life. I wasn't beaming that time because I forgot how happy I was during my high school life, I forgot the fulfillment being the volleyball team's manager, being friends with a reasonable people, being in love, and I forgot how to enjoy the little things I have.

I want that joy back in my life. 

"You ready?" Suna is asking for your hand. 

You fix your seat and smiled. "What do you think?"

"Let's go, baby." He pulled your arm and wrap it on his waist before moving the motorcycle expeditiously. You hugged him tighter because of the little fear and excitement building up inside you.



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