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"Kaori-san, can you make their drinks?"

"Yes!" The team's future manager answered enthusiastically.


Ahhh...  Time surely fly fast. Few months from now we're leaving this school. I am frightened. What will happen to me? Will my mother drag me back home? How about my relationship with Suna? Will he stay? I don't want anything to end.

"Good work, everyone!"

As usual Suna and I are walking together. We ate ice cream from the convenience store and went straight home.

Atsumu told me that Rin will be performing with his band later at ten pm.  I will surprise him. I want to hear him singing on the stage! I always hear him singing whenever he taught I'm as sleep. I love his voice so much!

I picked a simple pants and a cropped black turtle neck long sleeves. You tie your hair in a pony tail and grab a sling bag before going out of your house. Atsumu and Osamu is already waiting outside.


"You look pretty."

"Thanks, Samu."

"Y/n...." Atsumu.

"What?" we started walking. We are going to ride a taxi because it's a bit far.

"I think you're gaining weight."

I kicked him lightly. "Really? hahaha.."

"Yeah! I'm serious."

"Do I look fine?"

"Of course! I mean, you gained weight in a good way. Don't get Insecure."

Osamu hit his twin. "You told a girl she gained weight and ask her not to get insecure? Dumbass."

"It's fine! don't worry."

We arrived at the venue and a lot of people is already there. It's noisy, people chatting, electric music. The colorful neon lights and people dancing made me dizzy.

"You alright?" the twin asked because I almost fell.

I smiled. "Yes, thank you. Let's take the nearest seat in front."

We weren't able to get the first seat in front  but it's still near the stage. We ordered juice and some snacks and wait till it's Rin's stage performance.

"Good evening everyone! Wow, there's a lot of people today huh? Well of course! Our favorite band is performing." The MC talked and talked and talked. "Today is a little special because one of the band member have a very important visitor."

"Maybe Suna knows you're here.." Atsumu whispered.

"He doesn't Hahaha..."

"Let's all welcome....Apocalypse!" the crowd cheered. 

I never knew his band is named Apocalypse... It's cool. The curtain went up and the light is now focused on the stage. My heart beat grew when I saw Suna up there wearing a black shirt, pants and a beautiful electric guitar on his hands.

[I'm not going to put any song you can pick one]

All the time they were performing Rin is focused on his guitar. He didn't sing. I'm a bit disappointed but it's fine! I know I'm the only one who heard him sing.

"Apocalypse! Apocalypse!" the crowd is shouting their name.

"Woah! everyone calm down. Since today is a bit special, who do you want to sing?!"

The people made a mess. Everyone is shouting and the twins is joining them.

"Okay! You miss." the MC pointed a random girl. "Who?"

"I want to hear Suna!!! Ahhhhh!!"

"Suna! Looks like you'll be singing for us? I haven't heard you sing! I'm excited."

"Eh?" Rin chuckled. "Alright..."

He and the lead singer switch position.

"Late night, telephone

Calling all the wallflowers I'lI know

Out the dark, and used to the light

Half love, half regret

Just enough for polaroids and cigarettes.

Socialize, we're meant to size life-ife

Throw me on my low key vibe

Throw me on my low key vi-vi-vibe

I don't even it like high

I'm throwing on my low key vibe"

His cold voice raspy voice always makes me smile. His singing gave shivers to everyone who's listening. But this is different front what he sings to me whenever we're alone. It's more soft and gentle that warms you up but this is also beautiful.

I love it..

"Ya proud?" I giggled at my friend.

"Who wouldn't be..."

The performance ended and they went back to the back stage. Atsumu said I should check Suna out, he said I can pass through since I'm Suna's the girlfriend. I said yes and the twin left the table to flirt, I can say.

There was a guard guarding the black curtain that's separating the crowd and the performers.

"Uh, excuse me?" I sweetly smile.

"How can I help you, ma'am?"

He leaned a little to me so he could hear. "I'm looking for Suna."

"Can I know your name?"

"I'm L/n Y/n."

"What's your relationship with Suna? We can't let anyone pass through.."

"Yeah, I understand. I'm his girlfriend."

The guard laughed. I was confuse, why is he laughing? "We can't let you in, miss. I'm sorry."

"What? Why?"

"We don't entertain liars here, ma'am."

"What do you mean? I am his girlfriend!" I got annoyed and shouted.

"Maybe you should check your mental state, miss."

"Are you telling me I'm crazy?"

"Don't waste your pretty face, ms. Y/n."

"You little—"

I felt a hand on my shoulder. It's Osamu. "What's wrong?"

"Osamu! It's nothing just random girl who's obsessed with Suna." I gritted my teeth and slap the guy.

"You know what? You keep on insulting me like I'm a random illusionary bitch."

Osamu gasp. I am shock about myself too, I never once talk this way. "Kim, SHE is Suna's girlfriend..."

"What? but..." The guy said with his brows sticking to each other. He whispered something to Osamu. I saw how Osamu's expression change. From confuse, shock to serious one.

"Can we go inside?"

"S-sure... " Kim is hesitant but can't say no to Osamu. "I'm sorry, miss."

"Yoo, what's happening?" Tsumu appeared. We ignore him.

Osamu went in first and I follow. The other twin keep on asking me but I didn't utter a word. What's wrong with that guy? Maybe a lot of girls do that kind of scheme. But there is no need to insult me!

Or am I being over sensitive?

I sigh and put on a smile to welcome my boyfriend, anyhow I'm proud of Rin. I'm really glad I went here, I want to see his shocked reaction. Everyone froze and went silent when we enter the room.

So did I.

I wasn't expecting this kind of surprise. "Hi..."



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