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"Y/N!!!" You and your son woke up with a loud knock and voice. You quickly got out of the bed and open the door.

"For pete's sake Atsumu, It's six am!"

A tall blonde guy is standing in front of your door like expected. And the guy who visited you last night is behind him. "I'm sorry, I tried to stop him."

"Where's the child?!" Atsumu invaded your house. "Y/n's child?"

You let out a sigh and followed him. "He's in the bathroom, brushing his teeth."

Atsumu went there and your child was shocked. You can't hear it clearly but Atsumu is talking to your son. "M-mom?! Uncle Samu went crazy!"

Riri is running out of the bathroom and hid behind you. "No, That is uncle-"

"Ahhh! There's two of them! Mom? Have I gone mad?"

You and Osamu laughed. You faced your son. "No, honey. Uncle Samu have a twin and he is Uncle Tsumu.. Alright?"

"Oh." Riri fixed his self and bow to the twins. "I apologize, I didn't know.."

"It's fine, lil buddy..."

"Can you give me a high five?" Your son gave Tsumu a high five.

"We'll just take a bath.." You go inside your room that now has a connected bathroom. Your son is covering his face so you asked him why. "Why are you doing that?"

"That was shameful, mom..."

"Huh? What is?"

"I screamed! like a child!"

You patted his head. "How many times do I have to tell you that YOU are a child! Come on let's take bath."

It took you a while to take a bath. You went out the room and saw the twins playing with the child.

"Have you guys eaten breakfast?" You tied your hair up. It's messy but what does it matter?

"Nope. I missed your cooking, y/n!"

"I'm not that good of a cook, Tsumu."

"I know, hahaha." You started preparing to cook. And Samu prepared the table. 

Everyone sat on the dinning table and eat. The twins keep on looking to Riri, they adore him so much. And you know they will spoil him a lot since he is the first child to be born in your circle of friends. Well, Hori-senpai is also pregnant but no one knows it except you and Kaori. 

That two precious woman that help you through your hardships. You will forever be thankful for them.

You finished eating and planned to go to the mall. Of course, you agreed. You want your son to meet his uncles and it's also for catching up. Even though they know what happened to you already, you still want to know what happened to their lives.

"I'm in the volleyball team, Black Jackals. And I handle those monsters with the palm of my hands....hahaha." Atsumu proudly said. His laugh is kinda scary. 

"Well, I started a business and it's growing. It's a Onigiri shop and I'll have a franchise at Tokyo soon."

I smiled proud of my friend's accomplishments. "I'm glad you guys are happy...."

"What are you doing now? I know your family is rich, you can just not work. But pretty sure you won't do that.."

"Yeah, I'm a teacher now.... I suppose I love kids..."

Atsumu put his arms in your shoulder. "You sure you don't slap them or something? You use to do that a lot in high school."

"Shut up."

After a few days, Hori-senpai contact you and planned a party for pregnancy reveal. You eventually said yes and planned everything. You can't help arranging the actual party because you still need to fix things from your moving and take care of Riri.

"Thank you! See you next week, Y/n. I haven't seen you for a year!"

"Yes, I'm excited to see you."

The pregnancy reveal party arrived. You decided to bring Riri because you can't leave him anywhere. You we're nervous of what the team will say but what ever happens you're there for Hori-san and not their opinion.

The twins picked you up but you ended up driving for all of you because they are too lazy to drive. It's an hour drive to their house. Everyone thought it's a reunion party so they bought alcohol, you don't want to ruin the surprise so you kept your mouth shut.

"Where here!" You helped your son to fix his messy hair from sleeping and carried him because he is still a bit sleepy.

"Y/n, I can carry him.." Atsumu offered but  refuse.

"Maybe later if I need to do something."

When you went inside their house balloons are everywhere, and some colored paper strips are hanging on the ceiling. 

"Y/N! oh my god, I missed you...." Hori-san walking down the stairs. "Rikki! wow you've grown so big..."

I put my index finger on my lips to silence her but she didn't get it and woke up my son. "You woke him up, Hori-san..."'

"Opps... Sorry." she's about to carry Riri but I didn't let her. It's bad to carry heavy things if she's pregnant. "Rikki, do you remember me?"

"Hi, Auntie Hori..."  Riri kissed her cheeks. You friend giggled. She has a change of character, she's a lot more serious years ago and now she is jolly. 

As time pass by the house is filling up. Kaori also arrived. She bought the big box with a onesie inside saying 'Hi, dad!' It's so cute!

Everyone gathered in the living room and started catching up, they opened foods and bottles of alcohol. The worry you had earlier is now gone. Everyone is happy meeting Rikki. Of course, they asked questions. You answered truthfully even though it's obvious if they know Suna they can probably tell it's his.

"Everyone...." Kaori used the microphone so everyone can hear her. "We would like to announce something. It's a good news. Hori-senpai if you could?..."

She gave the microphone to the preggy. "I'm nervous..... Uhm... I would like my husband to be here with me."

Kita went to his wife's side and hold her hand. Sweet. Like always. 

"M-my gift.." She handed the huge box.

Kita was confused. "For what?"

"Just open it.."

The man opened it and covered his mouth. He didn't said a word and started tearing up. He whispered something to his wife and she nodded. He hugged her and they both cried. The other guys are curious so they look at the box and everyone cheered.


"Another baby in our life!"

I clapped my hands and join the cheering. I also teared up out of joy and sadness. I should be envious of this scene but I can't help myself. I would like to know what does it feel like....

"Etto.. Hi guys?"

Everybody went silent after that hello.



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