Chapter One

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Bakugou was hot.

And it wasn't just because the season was fast approaching summer, no his life wouldn't be that easy. No he was hot because he was an idiot and forgot to restock his suppressants and thanks to that he'd woken up covered in sweat, so much so that he could feel the heat radiating from him if he held a hand above his forehead. If it had been winter he could have just hoped that he'd caught the flu- but knew knew the truth, he just didn't want to admit it to himself.

He was in pre-heat.

And it would only be mere hours before he was in full heat. Bakugou groaned as he flopped backwards onto his bed, almost immediately regretting that decision as he would have to now all but scrape himself off the bed to get dressed. This feeling was why he took suppressants to begin with. He wasn't ashamed of being an omega and took them to hide his secondary gender as so many people had assumed. In fact it was quiet the opposite.

Sure, he'd been disappointed when he'd first present just after the Kamino Ward incident since he'd always thought that he would be an alpha, like his mother since their personalities were so similiar. But fate had other plans and he presented as an omega and suddenly everyone looked at him differently. They looked at him and saw a weak being who needed protected, who couldn't be a good hero because his gender decided so. And he almost agreed with them. Almost.

In the end it was the whispers that fuelled his raging fire. He'd walk to streets and hear the people talk as he passed.

" an omega..."

" so that's why he couldn't fight off the villains."

" if only he was an alpha.."

" poor kid, he would've made a good hero too. Oh well."

People assumed that because he wasn't what everyone - including himself- thought he was then he couldn't be the strong, confident, powerful hero that the world needed to defend them. Well, he would show those good for nothing idiots not underestimate him. He would graduate from the hero course and become the worlds first number one omega hero.

And now, two years later he was well on the way to proving everyone wrong, to proving that omegas are just as strong and capable as alphas. Now in his third year of UA Bakugou was one of the top dogs, a member of the big three and the only one who was an omega- the press are that shit up. He was also the hat trick winner of his second and third sports festival. Bakugou swelled with pride knowing that the world had watched his performance and had seen that no one had been able to beat him.

Another wave of heat spread over his body and he groaned once more, shuffling to the edge of the bed he slowly sat up, panting a little bit from the effort. This was the only thing that would make him hate his secondary gender. He put his head in his hands and massaged his forehead where he could feel a migraine coming- another side effect of his pre-heat. A gentle rap on his door caused him to turn his head slightly.

"What?" He croaked out. It was silent for a moment before the door opened just a fraction and in slipped Kaminari. The electric blonde gave him a sympathetic look before handing him a bottle of ice cold water, which Bakugou great fully took and pressed against his face.

"Thanks." He muttered,eyes slipping closed as he purred softly at the cool wetness on his cheeks.

" you look like shit dude, what happened to your pills?"

Bakugou opened the water and downed half of it before the other blonde pulled it away from him, likely to stop him making himself sick.

" I ran out and I never realised my heat was this close." Bakugou groaned and fell back on the bed once more. He could literally feel the sweat beading and then running down his skin. He could feel his eyes getting heavy and he blinked hard, making his ceiling come back into focus.

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