Chapter Eleven

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Cw: miscarriage, blood, depression, alcohol use, suicidal thoughts.

Loud growling filled the air, causing both Shigaraki and Bakugou to freeze, the blonde omega lifted his head slightly and through his hazy vision to see Dabi standing in the doorway of the kitchen looking absolutely feral with his teeth bared and pupils dilated, his fists two flaming balls of fire. Bakugou smirked slightly as he realised that his plan had worked, Dabi had come to defend his mate.

A sharp cramp shot through his abdomen and the blonde let out a whine of pain and clutched his stomach. He felt Dabi's eyes flash to him and he seemed to bare his teeth even more, if that were possible. Shigaraki was frozen above the omega and hadn't moved since Bakugou released his scent. The silver haired alpha probably already knew what was going to happen, he had after all attacked another alphas mate.

Another alpha's pregnant mate.

The blonde thought as he corrected himself. Seconds after Bakugou had let out the whimper Dabi practically flew across the kitchen and smacked into the other alpha, they snarled and bit at each other. Dabi moved quick enough that he wouldn't allow Shigaraki to use his quirk, there was a loud snap and Shigaraki let out a shriek of pain, both pinky fingers bent in an unnatural position, Bakugou felt bile rise i his throat at the sight.

Sayuri was screaming bloody murder once more,especially when the alpha's knocked into her chair and sent it toppling to the side. Bakugou pulled himself to his knees with a wince and dove forwards, catching the child before she could hit the unforgiving floor. Quickly he I clipped her booster seat and scrambled backwards away from the earring alpha's and pressed his back to the wall, the little girl's face buried in his chest.

" What the hell?" A voice muttered and Bakugou whipped round to stare up at Toga, who was watching the scene with her mouth hanging open. He must have made some sort of noise because her head snapped down to him and Sayuri and he expression softened slightly. " C'mon, let's get you two out of here, she doesn't need to see that." Toga bent and took Bakugou by the forearms and pulled him to his feet, to which Bakugou let out a cry of pain as a cramp hit his stomach, Toga jumped as Dabi's attention suddenly turned to her, she put both hands up in a placating manner and said,

" I'm not hurting him.... I'm not hurting him. I'm trying to get him out of here, it's not safe of Katsuki or Sayuri." Slowly Toga moved the two blonde behind her and pushed them down the hall way as Dabi kept his attention on her.

Bakugou opened his room door and quickly made his way to the bed, gathering the crying child against his chest once more. Toga followed him quickly and slammed the door shut just as a snarling Dabi started running at her down the hallway. She leaned against the door and let out a breath of relief, knowing he wouldn't dare light the door on fire and risk hurting Bakugou and Sayuri. The she alpha turned her attention to the blonde on the bed, who was hissing as he grit his teeth, body tense as if he was in pain.

" Kaachan?" She asked hesitantly.

Bakugou tenses on the bed as another cramp hit him, before his eyes widened, feeling...wetness down below he launched himself out of bed and towards the bathroom, slamming the door shut he yanked his sweats and underwear down only to find them covered in blood. He felt his breath hitch and his heart squeeze at the sight. He knew what it meant and he felt sick to his stomach at the thought, so much so that he dropped to his knees and retched.

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