Chapter Twentyone

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~Eighteen Weeks~

Bakugou growled as he tore another shirt from his body and tossed it behind him on the bed, joining the pile of T-shirt's and pants already occupying most of the space. The blonde wouldn't say he was particularly vain, he liked to dress nice and make sure his hair was in an acceptable state, but this was getting ridiculous. He'd been trying to get ready for the better part of a hour and he had hated the way everything looked on him.

When he'd been brought home the blonde had gone through his old clothes to see what still fit him and much to his dismay not much of it did, so he'd gone shopping and bought his clothes in a bigger size to help hide his growing belly, but now everything was tight around his waist and abdomen. He knew that he should be thankful that it meant his pup was growing but he'd already been self conscious about his appearance, especially after Kaminari pointed it out. Bakugou knew he'd gain weight during his captivity, he didn't need to hear how soft he looked from anyone else.

He let out a frustrated groan and threw himself back onto the bed, fight his clothes for space. Running a hand over  stomach he murmured,

" You're making me fat you know. Well... fatter at least." His hand paused when he felt a little fluttering and he grinned, patting the spot lightly " You're lucky I love you." Bakugou said before trying to sit back up, which proved to be very difficult when he looked like he'd swallowed a basket ball. Falling back on the bed with a grunt he heaved a sigh and called,

" Ma!"

Mitsuki was there moments later, frantically looking around the room for danger or anything out the ordinary before frowning when she saw nothing.

" What? What is it Katsuki?"

" I... I can't get up, help me." He said a blush staining his cheeks. Mitsuki blinked at him for a few moments before bursting into peels of laughter. He glared at her before reaching out and making a grabby hand at her " Just help me you have." Chuckling Mitsuki took his hands and gently helped him back to his feet.

" Ooh boy are you in for a shock if your struggling now." She laughed, before eyeing the clothes on the bed," having trouble?" She asked trying to hide a smile. Bakugou pouted at her and turned to glare out his window.

" Nothing fucking fits and at this rate I'll be late."

" Good thing I made you some maternity clothes then right?" Mitsuki asked " C'mon, we don't was to miss this appointment."

" You don't-"

" I want to come Katsuki, this is my grandchild."

Bakugou shuffled along behind her as they spoke, following her to the office she used to share with his father. Today was a very exciting day for them because today was the day Bakugou could finally find out his pups gender. Today he was also meeting the quirk specialist afterwards to see if there was anyway to get his quirk back. Mitsuki went over to a little closet that used to hold all of his father equipment but once the door was opened he could see it now only held clothing, most of it looked like baby clothes.

"Ma... what-?" He said raising an eyebrow as he looked around, they were all neutral colours- perfect for a boy or a girl.

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