Chapter Ten

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Kirishima was on patrol when he got the call.

It had been a pretty boring one and he had been strolling down the street with Sero, who was talking excitedly about Denki's pregnancy. The dark haired alpha seemed even more excited now after meeting The Todoroki's pup, Toshinori. The couple had decided against naming their child Katsuki, Deku insisted that one of his much closer friends should have that honour.

" So you can find out what the pup is soon? That's pretty cool!" Kirishima said cheerfully. He had been doing much better emotionally and mentally over the last three weeks and as promised was seeing a grief councillor twice  week.

" Yeah I'm so excited you know, Denki thinks it's a boy but I'm telling you man I'm 100% sure it's a girl." Kirishima grinned as they continued on their way. He was about to ask if he'd thought anymore about Denki's baby shower when the sound of their hero phones ringing cut him off. Fishing it out of his pocket he saw Class A Agency flashing on his screen.

Once Class A had graduated High School Todoroki and Yaoyorozu had surprised them all by saying that together they'd purchased a building ( more like a tower) in the centre of the city for them to open up as an agency and work together. Of course not only Class A graduates were allowed to work there, there was no discrimination and any qualified hero could join the agency, they weren't yet allowed to take on interns but Aizawa had stated that give it another year or two and they would be.

Kirishima frowned as he pressed the green button to answer the call. It was rare the agency would call them while they were out, only if it was an absolute emergency and every hero was being called in did they do it.

"Hello?" Kirishima said pressing the phone to his ear.

" Riot!" Kirishima pulled the phone away from his ear with a wince as Mina practically screeched in his ear. " Charge Bolt was out on patrol when he came across Compress trying to snatch an omega off the street! I'm sending you his location, he needs back up right away! -" the clatter of plastic hitting the ground caught his attention as Sero immediately swung into action, off to help his mate. He ended the call with Mina and took off after his friend.

" SERO WAIT!" The red head alpha sprinted full pelt down the street, weaving in and out through the crowd of civilians. It didn't take long to find Denki or Sero who was fretting over him as the blonde leaned against the wall, panting heavily, one hand on his mates arm the other on his protruding stomach.

" Shit Denki! Are you ok?! The baby?!" Kirishima asked as he skidded to a stop, stepping back slightly as Sero growled in warning. Denki let out a huff of a laugh and flashed the red head a grin.

" We're fine, I chased compress and tried zapping him but he managed to give me the slip. I'm pretty sure he went into that building there." The electro blonde pointed to an old, derelict looking warehouse. " Phew it is a lot harder to run when you're nearly six months pregnant. It felt like a bowling ball was strapped to me." He laughed as Sero growled once more.

" You shouldn't be running at all Denki! You should-!"

" I know, I know, I should be on desk duty. But babe we're fine, the baby is fine see?" He took Sero's hand and pushed it against his stomach where apparently the baby was kicking. Kirishima turned away from the intimate moment when he saw Sero physically relax, he stared at the building before starting to make his way over.

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