Chapter Thirty

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Dabi was beginning to lose his mind.

He had been free for four days now and hadn't been able to find out any information on Katsuki. It was as if he'd become a ghost. None of the alpha's associates could tell him anything. So no he was stuck prowling the streets and hiding in plain sight when a hero was around.

Dabi was surprised that his escape wasn't being covered by every news station there was, but he thought it was more likely that they didn't want to cause panic and wanted to catch him as quickly and quietly as they could.

Fat chance of that.

There was no way he was ever going back to that hell hole ever again. No he would find his omega, give the pup to Toga and then they could disappear from the world, though he had a feeling that he was going to have to be a lot harsher with Katsuki this time around so that history wouldn't repeat itself.

The alpha was currently sitting on a rooftop, bundled up against the cold weather. He couldn't make a fire because it would be too obvious where he was then, no one else had blue flames. He was watching the world pass by him below, hoping to see a familiar head of blonde spikey hair, he knew that Katsuki would feel safe going out and about, moving on with his day when he thought Dabi was still behind bars.

He hadn't spoken to Toga since she'd let him out either, but she apparently had been 'kind' enough to send Kurogiri his way, just in case he needed him. The Smokey alpha had been pleased to see the younger villain and had expressed his very best apologies for Toga's initial betrayal, the Smokey villain had also apologised since he hadn't kept tabs on Katsuki or his pup for him. Kurogiri had promised that he would be at his neck and call to make up for everything that had gone down and had put himself on speed dial for the younger alpha.

Something caught his eye and made him do a double take. Walking through the bustling crowd was the familiar blonde hair that he'd been longing to see, Dabi got up from his position to follow the blonde, his heart racing in chest chest, only to plummet once her realised that this blonde wasn't Katsuki, but another blonde he recognised.

Bakugou Mitsuki.

He'd seen the woman that day in the court room, looking every bit a female version of her son. He didn't know much about her other than she had a harmless quirk and was an alpha. His eyes were drawn to a brown hair man who was pushing a stroller and immediately his inner alpha growled. That was his pup down there with...strangers. Where was Katsuki? Why didn't he have the pup? Dabi continued to follow them as they moved further down town, growling low in his throat.

How dare Katsuki just let other people take the pup out and about, it should be him and him alone caring for her. That was going to have to be something they discussed later on. Seeing his pup down there, feeling how his inner alpha reacted to it (he was still unaware if the babe was a boy or a girl), he knew now that he wouldn't be able to hand them over to Toga. Dabi would make sure that Katsuki could keep the pup and together they would raise it.

Dabi continued to follow the couple as they walked, he even took his chances to get on the same train as them, keeping them in eyesight at all times. The two chatted happily to each other and Dabi wondered if this man was Katsuki's father. Now and then one or both of them would lean down into the stroller and coo at the child with in. The child, he learned when he got on the train, was a girl named Satomi.

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