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It was snowing heavily by the time Bakugou got out of the hospital.

He could see his breath coming in rapid puffs of air that fogged his vision as he hurried down the street, pulling his hood low over his face so that he could move without detection. He knew that the location Dabi had sent would be bullshit, but still he had to try.

Satomi needed him, there was no way he was going to leave her with that monster longer than he had too. And the sooner he dealt with Dabi the sooner he could get back to his father's bedside,especially since the doctors weren't really hopeful about his father pulling through. Guilt coursed through his chest at the thought of his father having his last moments alone.

Walking as quick as he could without reopening his c-section wound. He could feel the stitches stretching and pulling slightly, he could also feel the sweat beginning to build up and run down his face, despite the cold weather, pushing his face further down into the collar of his jacket he squeezed his way through the bustling crowds of people who were out, probably doing their Christmas shopping, able to move around care free without a worry in the world. The mere thought of the unfairness of what his life had turned out to be, caused his to grit his teeth hard enough that he heard a crack and he gripped the phone so tightly that he would surely have exploded it if he'd still had his quirk.

What if he couldn't save her? He didn't have a quirk any more so realistically how could he? He wasn't a hero, he was a washed up wannabe who couldn't even protect his parents never mind his pup. He was what he'd once taunted Deku for- a quirkless loser.

Letting his eyes drift down to his hand, he stared at the Lock Screen of his phone. Why he even had the device out he didn't know, he already knew exactly where he was going, since he'd memorised the address. He stared at the Lock Screen anyway and felt himself move to a slower walk until he stopped completely, eyes lazed focused on the picture he'd taken only just the day before of Satomi and himself laying on his bed. Bakugou's face was turned toward her as he gave the baby a huge smile, one he had reserved for her and her alone. Satomi on the other hand had a handful of his hair, turquoise eyes fixed on the phone above her, though they weren't looking at herself, they were locked on her dam and Bakugou would swear to every Devine entity there was that his baby, despite only being nine days old, was smiling at him.

He knew in truth that she probably wasn't smiling, that he was just over thinking her progress like any proud new parent but it was that possible little smile that made him start walking again, forcing himself to move and go to her aid. She deserved to have a parent who was willing to die trying rather than one who wallowed in self pity before giving up.

The omega was brought out of his thoughts as someone bumped him hard, hard enough that it caused his phone to go flying from his hand. Clattering to the ground he didn't see where it went as he'd whipped his head around to see who had bumped him. Familiar yellow eyes, framed in a Smokey purple face met his ruby ones and gestured with his head for the blonde to follow.

Bakugou turned on his heel, moving almost on autopilot to follow the alpha. Kurogiri led him to an old, worn down building at the very back of an alleyway. Pausing at the door the alpha looked over his shoulder to make sure the blonde was following him before entering the tiny building. Bakugou stopped and stared at the door, slightly out of breath from how quickly he'd had to walk in order to keep up with the Smokey bastard. Taking a deep breath, he tried to ignore the pounding heart in his chest and followed the purple man into the building.

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