Chapter Twentyfive

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~Twenty-Seven Weeks~

Bakugou clamped his jaw shut and glared at his father, who was still standing awkwardly on the door step. The blonde reached over to grip the door once more and moved to slam it shut, only for Masaru to put his foot in the door way to stop it.

" Katsuki, please."

" Fuck off."

" Katsuki who is - you what are you doing here?!" Mitsuki cried as she came to investigate what was going on. She gently pushed Bakugou to stand behind her in a protective manner as she stared at her ex-husband. The blonde glared over his mother's shoulder, silently daring the man to try and come into what was once his home.

" Mitsuki, please. I just want to talk to the two of you-"

" Didn't you say enough the last time we saw each other?" Bakugou hissed as he cut the older omega off. " You told me that you didn't support my decision to keep the pup and walked out. You left , now you're here on the doorstep begging to get back in-"

" I'm sick." Masaru seemed to blurt out desperately, eyes wide and chest heaving. Bakugou felt his brow furrow slightly as he stared, Mitsuki gripped the door with both hands with a worried look on her face. " I-it's terminal." Bakugou felt his breath catch in his throat as Mitsuki went chalk white.

" What?" Mitsuki whispered

" Can I come in so that we can talk about this privately?" Masaru asked once more, a lot quieter than he originally had been, but his voice still held the same desperate note to it. Bakugou narrowed his eyes and said,

" No, I'm not interested anything you have to say." And with that he turned and headed back into the living room, ignoring his mother hissing his name he flopped down on the couch, earning two rapid kicks to the kidney to remind him

That he couldn't just throw himself down like that anymore. He determinedly kept his gaze fixed on the tv as he reached behind him to fix the pillows behind his aching back, trying to drown out the sounds of his mother inviting his prick of a father into the house. Briefly casting his eyes up as his parents entered the room he noted that his mother still looked very pale.

He also

Noted that Masaru did  look sick, he looked thinner than the last time they had seen him, he also walked as if every bone in his body was in agony. The older omega's brown hair was littered with greys and towards the back there was bald spots where some hair appeared to have fallen out. That made concern wriggle uncomfortably in his stomach and crawl up into his chest where it made his heart clench before he tried to force the feeling away.

He refused to feel sorry for the man who abandoned him just as soon as they were reunited all because he couldn't accept his grandpup's sire. Yes the situation wasn't ideal and he wished to god the sire was anyone other than Dabi, but if it came between picking his pup and his father, then his pup would win every single time. Mitsuki settled onto the sofa beside Bakugou as Masaru sat down in a chair across from them.

" So...what's- what's the diagnosis Mas?" Mitsuki said clasping her hands together as she leaned forwards to stare at her ex. Seeing the concern in his mother's eyes Bakugou knew she still loved the man despite everything that had gone on between them. Masaru's brown eyes filled with tears as they darted between his son and ex-wife.

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