Chapter Twentynine

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" Take your time Katsuki, remember what the doctor said, you need to let yourself heal."

" I'm fine, I just wish you'd let new carry the car seat." The blonde growled out, wincing slightly with every step he took. Deep down he knew that his parents were just trying to be helpful, especially since he was in a lot of pain once the pain medication wore off. It was the reason why they wanted to come stay with him for the first few weeks.

" Oh hush Katsuki there's no way you'd be able to get yourself and a baby up to your apartment, you can barely move as it is." Mitsuki snorted as she adjusted her hold on the car seat. Bakugou grumbled under his breath as he walked behind her, aided by his father. He was anxious to home and get Satomi settled.

They had ended up staying in the hospital for a little over a week as  Satomi had caught a slight cold, nothing too serious but they wanted to keep an eye on her because she had been born a little early and Katsuki had ended up tearing his stitches while trying to go and see her since she hadn't been allowed in his room in case he picked up her illness or she picked up anything else.

But now they'd both been given the all clear and Bakugou wanted to do nothing more than take the pup and curl up with her in his nest. But unfortunately that wasn't going to happen as when the Bakugou family reached his hall way he could see pink balloons taped to his doorway and knew immediately that the idiot squad was inside. 

" Be nice Katsuki, they were all very worried about you." Mitsuki said, sensing his annoyance and irritation. She set the car seat down gently and reached into her pocket to get the spare key that she had insisted  her son had give to her when he'd moved. Slowly she pushed the door open, keeping the baby outside in case there was any loud noises. Which actually turned out to be a smart idea as when the moment the door swung fully open there was a loud rabble of voices all crying out the same thing,


Gathered in his living room were Denki and Sero with their two pups, Kirishima and Asahi, Mina and Ochako with their two pups as well. Bakugou gave a heavy sigh as he glared at his band of Merry idiots.

" What're you morons doing here?" Bakugou asked as he all but shuffled inside, heading towards the sofa eager to be off his feet and take a pain killer, his stomach was killing him.

" Katsuki!" Mitsuki hissed as she placed the car seat down and bent to retrieve the baby girl. She stood backup with the baby nestled cozily in her arms, rolling her eyes when she noticed her son pouting and glaring at her.

" Omg Kacchan she is just too adorable!." Mina squealed as she looked at the pup over Mitsuki's shoulder, causing Satomi's forehead to furrow as she let out a little whine. The blonde omega shifted uncomfortably on the sofa at the sound and made grabby hands at his mother rapidly.

" Give her here before she cries. We don't need her to deafen anyone." He said, Masaru let out a little chuckle as he eased himself into one of the arms chairs, smiling over at his son as Mitsuki handed Satomi over he said,

" She definitely gets that from you, Katsuki. It felt like you used to shake the whole building when you cried." Bakugou rolled his eyes and muttered under his breath as he gently stroked the baby's cheek and crooned softly to her, causing her whimpers to cease. Bakugou thought she was going to go back to sleep, but to his surprise her Crystal like eyes fluttered open, causing Denki, who was behind him to give a little gasp. The omega felt the sofa dip beside him as Kirishima sat down, his own pup in his grasp.

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