Chapter Six

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Things had moved pretty fast after Aizawa and the other teachers had been informed of Bakugou's message. It wasn't even fifteen minutes later and they were all piling into cars and racing through town. Bakugou's location turned out to be about a 20 minute drive from town, towards the country roads. Kirishima ended up in the car with Aizawa, Deku, Todoroki and Mina. Aizawa had been on a call to some pro heroes the whole drive.

"Ok so here's the plan." Aizawa said lowering his cellphone and looking at the young heroes. " since we are going to get there first we are going to do recon. Check the perimeter, make sure it's safe for the  us and the other pro's."

" What? No ! What if-" Kirishima started, voice rising in anger. How could he ask them not to immediately rush into aid Bakugou? The blonde had needed help for months and everyone had failed him.

" Kirishima, I need you to listen to me and follow my instructions. I know  that it's been hard, you want to save your friend and you're frustrated that the pro's won't give you a chance, but believe me when I say that this situation is dangerous."

" he's right Kirishima we still don't know who has Bakugou or how dangerous they are. We need to be cautious." Deku said.

" especially because we don't know what condition Bakugou is currently in." Todoroki chimed in.

Kirishima glared at his classmates, feeling a growl building up in his chest until Mina reached over and squeezed his hand.

" It'll all be ok Kiri. We'll bring him home." She said and Kirishima nodded. The cars stopped at the road side, the area was dense with trees. Everyone piled out of the cars and Aizawa looked down at his phone once more.

" Bakugou's location is around here somewhere, I want you all to split into teams with the people who were in your car. I have a note of it so I know who is with who if anything happens. This is a real world situation everyone you all need to act like the professionals you'll soon be and not let your emotions cloud your judgement." Aizawa's eyes roamed over his students faces " and for the love of god be safe, I don't want to have to contact any parents and tell them their child has been injured today." With that Aizawa put his phone away and nodded to his students." Alright get going, use your comms to keep in touch, I want everyone to check in every twenty-minutes."

The groups head off, Aizawa included. Kirishima sees Asui and Tokoyami climb the trees to get a better vantage point. Deku taps him on the arm and points behind him.

" we should check out this direction, no one else has gone this way." Kirishima nods and together the four of the set off. Kirishima knew this forest was thick but he never realised how thick it was. Trees grew everywhere and some where so close together that not even Mina could slip through them.

The red headed alpha stared at some branches cracking under his feet as he got lost in his own thoughts. Was Bakugou ok? Was he hurt? Who was the bastard that took him? What did they want? So many questions ran through his head, distracting him from what he should be doing. He jumped about a foot in the air when Todoroki held up a hand to stop them from walking.

" what's that over there?" He muttered. Kirishima narrowed his eyes slightly. Just a bit further into the trees was a house, a cabin really. It looked old and run down but smoke was coming from the chimney. It was well hidden in the forest, so much so that one could hide a kidnap victim here. It was quiet and secluded, no one around to hear any screams for help.

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