Chapter Twentytwo

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Todoroki fiddled nervously with the cuff on his sleeve as he sat in the visitation room at the prison. It had taken him all but a few days to decide to meet Dabi and see if what he had told Bakugou was true. If he was indeed Todoroki Touya, his supposedly dead older brother. He hadn't told his parents or either of his siblings about the possibility that Touya was alive and had gone seriously off the rails.

The alpha was broken from his thoughts as a door buzzed and Dabi was escorted in, he was muzzled with his hands trapped at his sides by a straight jacket, he also had a collar on and the guards had a pole clipped to it, forcing the other man to walk. Todoroki felt his stomach turn slightly, yes this might not be his brother and yes he was a villain who'd done unspeakable things but humane treatment was a little difficult to watch.

" Is all that really necessary?" " Todoroki asked with a frown. One of the guards bowed apologetics once Dabi was seated across from the hero.

" Sorry Mr Todoroki but the prisoner has been slipping in and out of a feral state since his....mate for a lack of a better word was last here."

Todoroki frowned again and sat back in his seat, and met the villains eyes, the blue seemingly burning with rage. It made sense, the last time Bakugou had been here he had told Dabi that he was pregnant with a pup that would never get to know him.

And an alpha without his mate while they're pregnant is a very dangerous alpha indeed.

" Take the muzzle off." The guard looked slightly apprehensive as he stepped forwards and unclipped the muzzle, yelping when Dabi snapped his teeth in his direction.

" anymore of that and you will be put back in your cell." The other guard snapped, raising a gun at the ravenette. Todoroki rolled his eyes and said,

" Put that down, we all know that I will be able to subdue him if anything happens. Now move. We have things to discuss." Dabi glared over the table him.

" Go away, you aren't who I want to see."

Todoroki leaned back in his seat and gave the older alpha an ice cold look before saying,

" Well I'm afraid that Bakugou was pretty clear the last time he was here. He won't be back, he doesn't want you and never has. And god forbid you ever  get out I will do my damn best to him away from you. You don't deserve him or the pup he carries." Dabi snarled and snapped his teeth as he leaned over the table. Todoroki watched him with an unimpressed look.

" You don't scare me, you can't. I'm not an omega." He said " Now, we have business we need to talk about. Were you telling the truth when you told Bakugou about your past?"

Dabi remained silent as he watched the pro hero, Todoroki felt irritation flickered through him and he leaned forward once more.

" It doesn't really matter if you speak or not because I've ordered a DNA test and they will give the truth to everyone and then-"

" I may be a villain, a murderer, kidnapper, pyromaniac but one thing that I am not, is a liar." Dabi growled out.

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