Chapter Seven

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Bakugou Katsuki found dead.

Bakugou Katsuki, an omega hero in training has been found dead in a cabin where he was reportedly being held captive. Bakugou, who attended the prestigious hero school, UA High, was snatched from the streets three months ago as he went to collect his heat suppressants from a local pharmacy.

Though the search for the omega had been a top priority, heroes eventually had to cut back in their search due to other issues rising. Bakugou's classmates reportedly started their own investigation despite not being pro heroes yet.

Sadly things came to a tragic end last week when Bakugou apparently got hold of a cellphone and managed to send his location to two of his friends. The students notified their teachers of what had happened and action was quickly taken.

According to our source there wasn't much time between the text being sent to the heroes arriving at the location. Students claim that when they found the cabin and heard Bakugou fighting they rushed to help, but the cabin exploded before they could aid Bakugou.

A search and rescue went on through the night and in the small hours of the morning two bodies were recovered. They were so badly burned they were unrecognisable but it had since been confirmed that they were the bodies of Bakugou Katsuki and Touya Todoroki, A.k.a  the villain Dabi.

Many will think this is a fitting end to Bakugou Katsuki, a violent end for a violent boy.

But many are saddened by the loss of a promising life, cut short far too soon. A service is being held this weekend for the boy, many pro heroes are expected to attend.

Rest in peace Bakugou Katsuki, promising young hero, you will be missed.

Dabi lowered the news paper back down onto the table with a sigh. This wasn't how he wanted things to go. But now at least they'd leave him alone and stop looking for the blonde. Now Dabi could properly take care of his omega and the omega could take care of him.  There was now nothing stopping Bakugou from fully being his.

It had only been a week since the blonde had attempted to leave him, a week that he'd barely left his bed. Dabi had allowed this for the first few days since he was recovering not just from the shock of losing his quirk but also recovering from the burn on his back. Although the omega healing girl- what was her name? Akari or something had healed the wounds, the burn on his back had been too severe and had left a large scar, starting from his left hip, getting bigger the higher it went on his back before tapering off slightly over his right shoulder. The first time Bakugou had seen it he had puked.

Dabi had been comforting his omega of course but it didn't seem to be enough. The omega was becoming depressed and Dabi couldn't seem to snap him out of it, not matter what he did. He wasn't his bonded mate and that was the real problem, Dabi couldn't wait for the boy to turn of age so that he could finally claim what was his.

Dabi had decided that morning that he'd drag the omega out of bed and force him to do something other than lie staring at the wall. He moved down the dark hall way, silently cursing himself for getting Kurogiri to send them to the one safe house with no light or heating.  The alpha stopped at a door at the very end of the hall way and gentle nudged it open.

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