Chapter Nineteen

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~Fourteen weeks pregnant ~

Bakugou stared sightlessly at his warped reflection in the elevator door. Beside him his mother had her arm looped through his, her nails digging in slightly and she watched him worriedly. The blonde had only been released from hospital the week before and all in all had spent almost five weeks in the hospital.

The doctors had been worried about his mental state after Sayuri had been taken so they'd kept him in for a further week, but as soon as his doctor had cleared him to go home, the omega had suddenly fallen ill and the doctor's declared that he was suffering with bond sickness. They apparently had expected it to happen at some point since he hadn't seen Dabi in awhile

So here he was heading to the lower levels of Tartarus to see someone he was still unsure if he actually, truly missed and could easily forgive for what had been done to him or if it was just the bond that seemed to be burning hot on his neck. Uneasiness made his stomach churn as the elevator continued to descend. It stopped with a jolt and the doors slowly opened to reveal a guard, who gestured impatiently, waiting for them.

Bakugou eyed the large gun he held in his hand and he was willing the bet all the tea in China that the gun was filled with quirk erasure  bullets. They were lead down a long hallway, line with floor to ceiling windows that allowed them to see into the cells. They watched the inmates either come forward to see who was getting a visitor or watched them prowl for a few moments before they'd throw themselves at the glass, banging frantically. Bakugou rested a hand on his stomach protectively as Mitsuki gripped his arm tighter.

Some of the villains cat called and jeered as they passed, especially ones Bakugou had help put away back when he was at school.

" Not so hot now are ya blast?!"

" Look at the weak omega bitch!"

" always knew you'd be the perfect knot warmer!"

Bakugou grit his teeth and kept his eyes focused on the guards back as he led them to a thick iron door. The guard stopped them before he opened it.

" Just so you know, he is on heavy quirk and alpha suppressants so he shouldn't be able to burn or command you." The guard looked between the mother and son before adding " since this is for medically purpose's we recommend that you remain out here Ma'am, just while Dynamight is inside-"

" Don't call me that." Bakugou snapped. His hero name was one he hadn't heard in a long time and it wasn't one he wanted to use now, especially since he never got the chance to become a pro." Bakugou is fine."

" Er... right sorry-"

" He's not going in there with that lunatic alone-"

" It's fine Ma, it'll be ok. I assume guards are inside too?" The omega questioned and the guard nodded.

" We do ask that you use scent patches, just to prevent any re-"

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