Chapter Twentyeight

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Bakugou gasped as his eyes shot open and he was immediately blinded by bright sunlight shining down on him. Confused he squinted into the bright light, and with a groan raised one hand to press over his eyes so that he could look around he placed his other on the bed to push himself up only to shoot straight up when his hand touched not scratchy hospital bed sheets but slippy, wet grass.

The blonde stared down at the grass and dirt beneath his hand, more confused now than ever. Wasn't he in hospital for something? Something important - his hands shot down to his stomach as realisation of why he was in hospital rushed through him. His abdomen was not only flat but toned with muscle, the six pack abs he hadn't seen since he was 18 sitting proudly on his body.

Despite wanting this body back for years, it did nothing to calm him. Where was his baby? Where was he? Why was he outside? What was-

A resounding boom made him jump and whip his head in the direction it came from. The blonde omega noted that he seemed to be in a Forrest, the trees were littered with burn marks, blue flames licking up the trunks as he got to his feet and stumbled forwards, fear shooting through him at the sight of the fire. An abnormally colour flame he'd hoped never to see again.

He had to find his baby and get out of here, she was in danger and it was his job to protect her. Moving further through the trees became across a derelict little cabin, a cabin that made his blood run cold.

Because it was the cabin that Dabi had first taken him too, six years ago.

But how could that be? That cabin had blown up! It was part of the reason everyone had thought that he had died! So how-

A crash and the sound of grunting caught his attention and he turned to see a young girl, probably about 18 years old, with ash blonde hair that fell around her face and stopped at the middle of her back. The girl was panting heavily and clutching at her side with one hand while the other was lit with a bright blue flame.

Another girl, one who looked a few years old and had what looked like a pair of fiery blue wings sprouting from her back. As he watched she flexed her wings one at a time, shooting columns of flame at the first girl. The girl was obviously exhausted and barely got out of the way in time, though as she flipped herself out of the way she stumbled and fell to her knees where the winged girl landed and delivered a kick to her obviously injured side.

The girl went sailing and landed on the broken stairs, she spat blood off the side and glared through her hair at the other girl who was grinning wildly as she slowly approached her.

" Hey!"

Bakugou cried out as he moved forwards to stop the fight. This wasn't right, these girls shouldn't be fighting. Not like this. He felt like knew knew both of these girl, it was why he was so certain that they weren't supposed to be enemies.

The winged girl had reached the other girl and was currently stepping on her, hard enough that she'd cried out. They were speaking to one another or at least Bakugou thought they were but he couldn't actually hear them. He also realised that he seemed to be running on the spot.  He watched helplessly as the winged girl drew a knife from her belt and knelt, so that she was face to face with the injured one. The knife was placed against the girls throat and Bakugou saw her trembling. Terrified turquoise eyes turned to meet his gaze as she silently pleaded for his help. She seemed so familiar to him, like she was

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