Chapter Nine

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There was a beat of silence as the three alpha's and child stared at him, Dabi looked concerned while Toga and Shigaraki looked delighted. The little girl was shaking and whimpering, looking from Bakugou to Dabi and back again. It took Bakugou a few seconds to realise that he'd shifted into a fighting stance, but fighting the villains wasn't something he could do anymore.

" Hi Kacchan!" Toga said practically bouncing where she stood." Wow you really let yourself go huh? Where's all those fabulous muscles you used to have?"

The blonde flushed and glared, refusing to give the crazy bitch a response like she wanted from him. He curled his lip as a warning growl slipped out, only to be cut short as Dabi stepped in front of him, giving his own warning growl.

" leave him alone." He snapped. Toga pouted and swayed from side to side slightly. The girl in her arms made a noise once more and everyone's attention went from Bakugou to her.

" who's pup is that?" Bakugou said moving around Dabi, only to have him move in front of him once more. Toga adjusted her grip on the child and grinned.

" that's what we'd like to know, we'd also like to know why Dabi here told kurogiri to keep his mouth shut about you and about you both being still alive. " she said. Bakugou looked between the villains and for the first time he registered their angry and irritated scents.

" Because he's mine ." Dabi growled trying to move Bakugou back down the hall and out of the other two villains sight.

" Come now Dabi, we all know how valuable he could be to our cause. Don't hide him away let him join us, we could use a quirk like his. Though, I don't smell it on him much, have you been giving him quirk suppressants? " Shigaraki narrowed his eyes dangerously through the fingers of the hand over his face.

" Come to think of it, I don't smell it either." Toga said moving forward towards the alpha and omega, the latter having gone rigid and the colour slowly drained from his face. Once more Dabi growled as she got closer, but the other alpha didn't seem to pay any attention to him. The toddler on the other hand started crying and that snapped Bakugou out of his fearful trance.

" Cut it out with the fucking scents. You're scaring the kid!" He snapped as he reached around Dabi to pull her from the she-alpha's grip, he released a soothing scent, knowing it would help the pup since all pups responded to an omegas scent, regardless of whether they were the pups dam or not.

" how did you find her? How did you find us ?" Dabi snapped, now fully in a protective stance in front of the omega and pup.

" We noticed that Kurogiri had been sneaking off and going out on errands with me asking him too. Toga told me that he'd been doing it for awhile, so we followed him and to our surprise what did we find? A pup being hidden away with a wet nurse. It didn't take us long at all to realise who her alpha parent was, just look at those eyes." Shigaraki said, eyes roaming over the little girl. " so with a bit of...encouragement We got Kurogiri to admit that you  were still alive and hiding yourself away with a certain blonde omega."

" I gotta say Dabi I really didn't think you had it in you to actually catch Kacchan here, much less turn him into a proper omega." Toga giggled " did you have to discipline him lots? I bet you did." She giggled.

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