Chapter Eighteen

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Things seemed to move in a blur after the visit from the social worker. Bakugou had tried to be normal for Sayuri's sake but he felt his eyes water anytime the girl turned away. His mother urged him to sit down and explain everything to the pup but he just couldn't. His heart was breaking enough as it was and besides, how was he supposed to explain their fucked up situation to a six year old?

The blonde lay awake in the hospital bed staring at the ceiling, today had been his last day with Sayuri and he'd practically begged for her to have a bed brought to his room. The nurse on duty finally took pity on him and allowed it, so now the little girl was tucked into her bed at the other end of the room snoring her head off while the omega lay silently with tears gathering in his eyes as he thought of what would happen in a matter of hours. Bakugou carefully rolled onto his side, one arm tucked around his stomach- in the past few days his morning sickness had been cranked up a few notches and he had found that if he moved too quickly or a certain way then it seemed to upset the pup within and he'd be rushing to hunch over the toilet.

The omega watched his daughter sleep for a few moments as he got lost in his own thoughts.

I can't believe this is happening, they're going to take my pup away, give her to someone she doesn't know. It's not fair. If I hadn't been found none of this would have happened. We would still be tucked up in a bed together. This isn't what I wanted.

Bakugou sat up in the bed as Sayuri give a little whimper in her sleep before she rolled over and continued snoring. He bit his bottom lip as a thought entered his head.

We could just go. The nurse's will be changing over in half an hour, no one would notice us slipping out. We could find Kurogiri, I'm sure he'd help us hide. We could just disappear and then no one would ever find us.

He sat on the bed for a few more minutes, glancing at the clock and straining his ears to hear any movement from any of the nurses. Making his mind up he threw back the covers and reached into his bedside cupboard for some clothes, quickly throwing them on he shoved his feet into his shoes as he tiptoed towards the bed containing the little girl and gently shook her.

" Sayuri, Sayuri. Wake up baby." He whispered " C'mon honey, wake up." The little girl groaned and then blinked sleepily up at him,

" Mama?" She said looking confused" what's wrong?"

" C'mon baby, we're going home." He tried to smile at her but even he could tell it was mangled on his face. He got her sitting up in bed before he put her dressing gown on her. Grunting slightly he lifted Sayuri into his arms, pulling the hood over her head. He pulled his own hood up before he left the room. Quickly he made his way to the nearest stairwell and lightly jogged down them, slowing down slightly as he got to the third floor.

Jesus Katsuki, how did you let yourself get so out of shape? I know I'm pregnant but the pup isn't big enough to cause this state yet. Once it's born I better get back to exercising, I won't be a fat blob forever.

His breath was coming in panting huffs as he reached the ground floor, adjust Sayuri in his arms and trying to cath his breath he shoved the double doors the the hallway open with his back, over his head an alert sounded through the tannoy system.

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