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" I'm glad you agree." Dabi said circling Bakugou and causing the omega to tense anytime the alpha touched him. All his firey passion and anger simmered slightly as the old icy cold hand of fear clutched at his heart and twisted his stomach. Satomi let out a little whine at being left lying down for too long, the child liked to be rocked and swayed constantly, so much so that she rarely fell asleep in her crib, mostly falling asleep in someone's arms.  Bakugou's eyes snapped over to the Moses basket where she was and he felt his breath shudder.

His body automatically turned and tried to head for his pup when the alpha grabbed his arm and pulled him back. Baring his teeth Dabi ground out,

" I told you that we had to talk. Ignore the pup just now." Bakugou's eyes snapped back to Dabi and he felt a growl rise in his throat. How could this man, this alpha just ignore his upset pup, even if she was only whining to be carried. The blonde shook his head and moved towards her once more only to have a slim column of fire block his way.

Dabi glared at the omega before he stalked over to stand in front of the Moses basket. Gritting his teeth the alpha growled,

" I told you that we needed to talk."

Bakugou suppressed a whine of his own, especially when Satomi started to full on cry, he could see her little legs and arms thrashing in the air, no doubt smelling the unpleasant scents in the air. She could also probably smell her dam near by and couldn't understand why he wasn't reacting to her.

" Dabi-"

" I'm so glad that you decided to come back. I didn't want to take you by force again, I figured if you came of your own accord then we could be happier."

" But I didn't come of my own accord, I came because you kidnapped my daughter!-"

" Our daughter, you mean." Dabi said snapping his teeth. " I still can't believe that you said you'd keep her from me. I was so angry for awhile about it, you were picking a pup over me. Something I always told you I'd never allow, If I can't have you, no one can. It's part of the reason. I told Toga she could have her when she let me go, don't worry, I'm not handing her over, I can sense how strong and special she is going to be. But, if you don't behave I might just give Toga what she wants." Dabi said seeing Bakugou's frantic look"  we can always have more pups anyway if you're so desperate to be a mother."  The alpha gently stroked Bakugou's face and the omega's eyes widened as his heart began to beat rapidly in his chest. Dabi started to turn away, looking towards Satomi who seemed to have quieten herself down.

" No, we can't."

" Excuse me?" Dabi snapped slightly, spinning back to look at the blonde. " what did you just say?"  He moved so that he was toe to toe with the omega, glaring down at him. Bakugou gave him a little smirk, knowing this isn't what any alpha wanted to hear, especially one as crazy as Dabi.

" I said." Bakugou said with a little more confidence. " That we can't have more pups.  I can't have anymore. There was ...some complications when I gave birth to Satomi and I had to have a hysterectomy." He shrugged " I can't have any more pups, Satomi will be my one and only." This was another reason he'd refused the help of Eri's quirk, deep down he'd always been worried that he would end up back in Dabi's clutches and would be subjected to his old life once more. But now he couldn't give Dabi anymore pups, maybe the crazy alpha would leave him alone. The smugness he felt from Dabi's shocked expression was quickly fading as the alpha gripped his head and yanked his hair back, exposing his throat as Dabi growled,

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