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For the umpteenth time in his life the rhythmic beeping of a heart rate monitor woke Bakugou, slowly annoying him back into the conscious world. Slowly his eyes fluttered open, only for him to shut them quickly against the harsh lights of the hospital hanging above him. Cracking them open slightly he let out a groan as his head throbbed painfully- well in fact his whole face throbbed. A sharp intake of breath caused him to turn his head, meeting the concerned golden gaze of Denki.

" Kacchan?" He said quietly, there was a shuffling noise and Kirishima's worried face came into view. Bakugou looked at the two of them for a few moments, confused as to what was going on when the memories of what had occurred flashed before his eyes. The blonde felt his breath catch in his throat and he sat bolt up in bed and looked frantically around the room.

" Satomi- where is she?! I have to go-"

" Bakugou, you have to calm down. Your going to hurt yourself again. Satomi is fine dude, she's with Deku and Shouto just now. You can call them in a bit and ask them to bring her. But first you need to rest a bit more." Kirishima said moving to push the omega back down on the bed. " You've been in and out of consciousness for two days."

" Two days ?" Bakugou gasped.

" Yeah dude, you worried the doctors for awhile. They couldn't heal you properly because you were exhausted. You're gonna have a wicked scar on your face man. You also ripped your section stitches so they're going to hurt like a bitch." Denki said. " You scared me dude I thought ...just for a moment... that you'd disappear, that you'd go back to him again. I get you did it to save Satomi but Jesus Christ. And seeing you all beat up like that? Fuck man my heart just about stopped."

" I couldn't- I didn't want-" Bakugou struggled to say, looking between his two friends. Kirishima stopped him with a gentle pat on the knee-his good one since the one Dabi had stamped on was in a cast.

" We know B. And we understand, it's ok not to trust the commission. But I hope you know that you can trust us." 

" I-I know." Bakugou said as he gripped his blankets in tight fists." I wasn't thinking clearly, I panicked about Satomi and I was upset about my mother and worried about my father- wait... is he still here? Has he woken up yet? What're the doctors saying about him?" The blonde said, rapidly firing the questions at his friends who suddenly looked very uncomfortable. " What? Was is it?"

"Katsuki." Uh oh, his given name, this wasn't going to be good. Bakugou felt a lump lodge in his throat as he looked at Denki. " He-he died, shortly after we discovered that you were gone. The doctors said that the smoke inhalation coupled with the cancer was too much for his body to handle." The electric blonde reached out to grasp and squeeze his hand gently. " I'm really sorry, Katsuki."

Bakugou leaned back against the pillows,numbness spreading through him. He knew that this could have been a possible outcome. The doctors had told him that Masaru had, had a slim chance of surviving. But with his mother gone, the omega had hoped that his father was strong enough to survive so that Satomi could grow up with at least one grandparent in her life, and yes he and his father had, had a rough patch after he'd been rescued but they had sorted everything out and their relationship had improved.

Only for this to be the outcome of a terrible situation.

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