00 | lost innocence

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"Courage is not having the strength to go on, it is going on when you don't have the strength."

Third Person Omniscient Point Of View.



She stood outside the building, sweating, legs scathed and swollen feet. The torn shirt, the only thing on her back. Her legs had dried blood on them and her hair had branches and leaves on them. You couldn't see the deep purple marks on her but you could see them on her eye. Her bottom lip was busted and she was shivering.

She was not alone though.

"I'm tired." Her little brother, Qophelo, whined. He was with her throughout the journey to the massive house. They've never seen anything like it. It had close to a week now without food, just water. Their clothes and food were stolen and they had just been chased by a lion.

It was hell.

Qophelo knew in his mind that this had to happen. They had to move away before they left in coffins. His sister, Amukelani, was his world. His mother. His father. She'd been the only one in this entire world to genuinely love and care for him. The only who was brave enough to protect him from this cruel world he'd grown to know in his whole existence of 11 years.

"I know, Phelo." She wiped the beads of sweat on her forehead. "I know. Have some water and regain some energy." She gave him the bottle of water which was almost empty. It was the last one.

Qambuka shook his head. "No. You take it. I'll go get help for your eye and leg." He said. Amukelani's leg had suffered a fracture through their fearful run away from the lion.

She softly shook her head, the determination and stubbornness on her face palpable. "No. I'm fine. I have to be."

"Amu," Qophelo said firmly, putting his rough palm on her shoulder. "It's not the time to be stubborn. You need help. And I'm going to help you." He helped her sit down on the side, away from the gravel road where cars travelled.

"Wait here." He said, almost glaring at her. His 16 year-old sister nodded, sulking but a bit grateful. She watched as Qophelo crossed the road and head for the gate. He tried opening but it was a bit tough.

He looked back at his sister and shook his head. His shoulders sagged in defeat before he straightened. He was not about to give up so easily. He tried pushing the gate open and suddenly, they both heard a bark. It spiked up both their heartbeats.

The only dog they've ever seen in their lives came running towards the gate. Qophelo stepped back before falling on his butt. Amukelani laughed at her brother. The dog's tail was continuously wagging while he barked. It didn't seem angry.

"Chop!" A woman was heard yelling. "What are you barking at?" The woman came to sight and witnessed the two human beings in front of her house. "Hi."

Qophelo stood up and cleared his throat before greeting her and asking for help. The woman nodded and helped Qophelo get Amukelani inside. It felt like the pain on her leg had intensified because it was going to get help.


"Thank you, ma." Amukelani said to the woman, whose name was Nomakhwezi, as she laid on the single bed in the guestroom. The house was quite large and the inside was the best of all.

Nomakhwezi smiled. "You don't have to thank me." She said. She was a orthopaedic surgeon. She was loved and praised in her village for her remarkable work. The reason she was even able to live in such a house was because after studying at one of the best Universities in South Africa, she came back and started her own medical centre.

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