06 | spark

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"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough."

Thandeka Ndaba (Nkabinde)


It had a week in this place and I was not accustomed to how things worked here. The first thing that shocked me, was how the helpers were treated. My mother always told me never to undermine the help. KwaNdaba wouldn't be what it is today without our helpers. They kept us functioning. Without the warriors, we'd be under constant attack.

We'd be regarded as weak and vulnerable and then no sooner than later, attacked and stolen from.

The royal family had countless extended family members and it would be a struggle hosting events without our cooks. And cleaning such a huge house would surely be a struggle because of countless visitors almost everyday. But here, none of that was appreciated.

The helpers were treated like dirt and they responded like programmed robots. They were as quiet as mice and as obedient as trained dogs. It was horrific to see for someone who was not used to behaviour like this but I tried to get used to it.

It didn't feel like I was to-be-Queen and it had been a ridiculous week. I wasn't being let on on projects and all I was made to do was have tea and sit around. I did gain quite some respect though when a sheet with my blood on was shown to the community.

Being a virgin was a big deal.

And so was being pregnant as soon as possible, it seemed.

"I just love how perfect you guys are!" Phumzile, Zweli's sister gushed as she looked at the wedding photos in the room. She was really happy for her brother. I was still waiting for my brother's call that he promised me before I left.

"Yeah." I responded absentmindedly. I didn't like the people here much. But I didn't want to bash them a week in. Maybe they were still adjusting to a stranger in the house with them.

"Are you okay?" Phumi asked, noticing my lack of responses or interest to her words.

"Could be better." I said. "Do you want to get some fresh air?" I asked. I've been cooped in here for far too long and it really wasn't what I had in mind when I was still excited to come.

"Sure." I stood up from the couch and grabbed my handbag from the bed. Zweli and I's bedroom had a couch. I walked out and Phumi followed suit.

"Where are you going?" Ah Qophelo. He stands just a few feet from me dressed in his usual attire. A suit. He always looked clean and organised, a perfectionist, I noted.

"Out. And I don't-"

"-We've discussed this before, Princess. Don't make this harder than it should be." He said and I rolled my eyes. Having his presence follow me everywhere and asking me questions about my whereabouts got on my nerves quicker than I thought it would. But it also brought endless butterflies that made me lose my mind and not know how to respond. I've chatisised my body for reacting the way it does to him. I'm married.

And he was right. We have had this talk before and he only laughed, telling me that whether I liked it or not, he wasn't going anywhere. It was not the first time I'd seen Qophelo laugh but it was the first time he'd done it in front of me. It was amazing, in my opinion. Zweli's laugh annoyed me but Qophelo's just got me flushed.

He even told me about the two phones thing and I thought it was a great idea. I didn't know what kind of person Zweli was and the phone gave me some sort of comfort and assurance that I was not alone and I could always ask for help. The phone was kept in a box under my bed.

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