28 | betrayals and unity

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Our paths might change as life goes on. But we would need each other, and we will be there for each other.”

Third Omniscient Point Of View



Nina bakaBhej' eseNgome,
Nin' enadl'umuntu nimyenga ngendaba,
Nin' enadl' izimf'ezimbili ikhambi laphuma lilinye,
Lobengula kaMzilikazi!!"

The Maine chanted, shaking and grunting. His dreads swinging with every movement of his head. Thandeka and Qophelo sat on the right corner of the indumba (sacred healing hut) and Qophelo's parents on the other.

"Mzilikazi kaMashobana,
Shobana noGasa kaZikode,
Zikode kaMkhatshwa,
Okhatshwe ngezind' izinyawo nangezimfushanyana,
UMkhatshwa wawoZimangele,
UNyama yentini yawoZimangele
Mabaso owabas' entabeni kwadliwa ilanga lishona,
BaNtungw' abancwaba,
Zindlovu ezibantu,
Zindlovu ezimacocombela!!"

"Makhosi!!" They chanted back. He shook his bag of bones violently before tipping it over and let the pieces fall out. The hut was silent as he took his stick and maneuvered the bones.

"Mnyandu, what do you see? Is Makhumalo saying anything?"

Mnyandu looked up at them. His eyes stayed on Qophelo. "Mntungwa, your grandmother is very fond of you. She wants only the best for you. Your work is revive the Khumalo name and lead it to greater heights."

Qophelo smiled, "thank you. Was that all?"

"No, there's more. She wants you to also unite it with the Khoza Kingdom."


"Yes," he nodded. "You will bear heirs to both thrones. You will be head of these two Kingdoms after your parents have resigned the throne. This is your birthright. Your destiny, my child." He bowed his head, "my king."

Qophelo was shocked. "Are you sure?"

"I never lie." He cleared his throat, looking at his bones once more. "Another member of this family is missing. A girl. She is neither blood to any of you but she is family. She is close to your heart. Who is she?"

Qophelo squeezed Thandeka's hand as he answered. "My sister, Amukelani. We were separated sixteen years ago. I do not know of her whereabouts. We lost each other..." he dreaded the answer to his next question. "Is she still alive?"

"Very much so," he nodded with certainty. "She is so close. You two share a strong connection. She may not be your blood, but your bond is of those who are. It is unclear to me what her destiny is, but I feel a connection to uMaNdaba next to you."

Thandeka looked alarmed, "me?"

"Yes." He looked at Qophelo again. "Find her and then join me again. I need her present to help her. I feel a dark spirit around her and if she's not careful, it will consume her."

"Can you guide me to her?"

"She's closer than you think..."

. . .

She paced around in her hotel room. Thandeka hadn't responded to her text.

Text me when you're here, it's urgent.

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