26 | true identities

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"A birth mother always puts the needs of her child above the wants of her heart."

Qophelo Khumalo


We were inside the house. Sitting on their couches, I felt uncomfortable. My father's situation was weird. I questioned whether he was still considered a true King . But looking at how he was using the surname Khoza, I would guess not. He looked lost for words as he sat on the couch. I assumed he had a throne room and this was just for unimportant guests.

Heels sounded around the quiet room and my Princess and I both looked towards the stairs. A gorgeous curvaceous woman descended the stairs. She was older but as I studied her, her beauty would knock down a few years in her age. She looked oddly familiar. I couldn't wrack my brain and figure out who she was.

She approached where my father was seated and sat down next to him. It was then that she looked at us. Her eyes moved from my Princess to me. Her breath hitched, her hand moving to cup her chest. She was in shock. Now I was convinced that I knew her, her reaction was damning.

"Qophelo..." Her eyes welled up with tears as her lips trembled. I understand that she knew me, but to shed tears? Dramatic. "Oh my God... I never thought... I never thought I'd ever see you again." She stuttered.

My father cleared his throat. "Ndodana, how are you? Where have you been? And who is she?"

My Princess is none of his business.

"How am I?" I scowled, I wasn't here for a cute catch-up family reunion. I was here for answers. "Drop the act, Sizwe. I know uGogo is no more. I want to know where her grave is. I need to speak to her."

His brows raised, "she's visited you?"

"Yes, I need to see her. After I speak to her, I'll leave you alone." I deadpanned.

"No... no you can't leave. Not again." She sniffed, wiping her tears. "Not while you are oblivious to the truth."

The truth?

My father lowered his head into his hands, which raised my curiosity. "What truth?" I reached for my Princess's hands and she welcomed my touch.

"Yes," Sizwe continued. "You need to know exactly how you and... your sister ended up living the lives you did. My actions in past... I'm ashamed of them. The only excuse I have for treating your sister the way I did, is that I was blinded by rage."

I noted that he kept referring to Amu as "my sister" instead of "his daughter".

He continued, "your mother was very close with my older brother. She grew up with him but ended up with me as I'm the one she fell in love, or so I thought. The throne was not going to be mine but my brother's, at first. My father, before he died, thought of my brother as unstable and that he would not be fit. Which is why I took over instead of him.

Fast forward, your mother became pregnant with your sister. I found out through text messages from her phone that it was not my child that she was carrying, but my brother's. I was beyond angry, I couldn't bring myself to even try and pretend even when she was born. I tried to accept but it hurt. The betrayal hurt deeply.

𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐃 (18+)Where stories live. Discover now