16 | sexual awakening

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"Come closer till I don'tknow where I end and you begin."

Thandeka Ndaba (Nkabinde)


I was going to visit Funeka, the lady who was the designer of my dress for the coronation and abdication. I was nervous about what was going to happen today since our last encounter. I hadn't told Qophelo, simply because I did not want doubts to lead to unnecessary drama. Qophelo was possibly going to blow up and tell my parents and in the end, without proof, we'll be humiliated and ridiculed.

We stopped outside the building and I took my bag and motioned to get out but Qophelo held my wrist. I looked at him quizzically. "What? You want a goodbye kiss?" I asked, a smirk playing on my lips. Things between us had escalated quickly, although I was afraid of sealing things with sex. I was cheating on Zweli already but sleeping with Qophelo would solidify my sin.

But for now, I was just going with the flow. We exchanged occasional kisses and touches and not gonna lie, the sexual tension was there. Since he was more comfortable around me, he showed me a side of him I didn't know. A dominant, more demanding side. A side I met when we kissed for the first time.

"I wouldn't mind that but we have to talk. You are going to have to tell me what went on here. If you don't, I'll be forced to do my own investigation." He said and I raised my eyebrows in surprise.

"Your own investigation?"

He held my chin in a gentle grip and brought me closer to him. He pecked my lips and stared into my eyes, "yes. My own investigation. Despite everything between us, my priority is still your safety so I will do anything to make sure that you feel secured and protected. You were shaken up pretty bad and if you are not going to tell me about it, I will find out on my own."

He pecked my lips once more and let go. "I'm escorting you. Stay inside." He got out and came to open my door for me. I held his outstretched hand and got out too and we walked together. Hand in hand. We had to wait a few minutes before we were finally called in for my 9pm appointment.

Funi was standing in the room awkwardly, when Qophelo and I got in. She was probably embarrassed about what happened and I didn't want to make our encounter even more awkward. I've already received an email about my 10% discount on the dress. I felt like that was just advantage of the situation. The money was here and I didn't need to milk them.

"Hi, Funi!" I waved enthusiastically. Her tensed shoulders relaxed a bit. "You look great." She did. She was dressed in a leather skirt that reached her thighs and an off the shoulder top with thick-soled boots. Her hair was up in a messy bun and she was also wearing a fanny pack which I assumed had her materials.

"Thank you, Thandi. You look amazing too." She said politely, but still treading carefully. Her eyes went to Qophelo and I could see the interest and curiosity in her eyes. Something lit up in me and I wrapped my arm possessively around Qophelo's arm.

He's mine, Funi.

"This is my boyfriend Qophelo. He was just escorting me since last time was sort of a mess." Her face turned into a guilty expression.

Boyfriend? Where did that come from?

"I never did apologise for that. Did you get the email? I authorised it personally." She said and gave me a side smile. I waved it off, genuinely wanting to get over this quickly. I didn't like confrontations and awkward situations, and this was one of those.

"I did get the email but I wanted to tell you that the discount isn't really necessary. I'll pay in full. I understand that you weren't in the right state of mind. You're forgiven."

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