1 The journey to Philza's

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Tommy and Tubbo sat in the back of the car. Tubbo was nervously playing with the bottom of his button up shirt. He did this if he felt uncomfortable or nervous. Tommy kept a close eye on his older twin.
Though Tubbo was older by about 10 minutes, Tommy still felt like he was the older one. He protected Tubbo the best he could.
Tommy was sat next to a boy who he believed to be Phil's 16 year old, Wilbur. He wore a yellow sweatshirt and black ripped jeans. Wilbur had a marron beanie on his head and red head phones on: he was bobbing his head and tapping his foot to a song he was listening to.
Philza was driving the car. Technoblade, or Techno as they called him for short, was Phil's 17 year old. He sat at the front. He had short brown hair but the roots where pink. Techno wore a red jacket and white top. He had black jeans on. For some reason, which Tommy didn't know or have the gut to ask why, Techno's ears where slightly pointed and faceing outwards. They where almost like a Piglins.

"We are nearly home guys," Philza said, "should be another 15,"
"Okay..." Tubbo said nevously.
They had only been in the car for about half an hour but it was the longest half and hour that Tommy and Tubbo had ever experienced. It had been quite and slightly awkward as the twins where going to live with these people that they hardly knew. They only just knew there names and now they where going to have to live with them. Tommy's thoughts where interrupted by, who he believed to be, Wilbur.
"Hey! Do any of you two play any instruments?" Wilbur asked happily. He was shouting because he had his head phones on and had loud music playing.
"I play the piano," Tommy said, kinda wishing the conversation would end quickly.
"I play keyboard and ukulele," Tubbo said, still looking at the floor and fiddling with his top.
"Great! I need a keyboard! Sorry Tommy. You see I am making this song, however I need a guitar and a keyboard to play at the same time! Obviously, I can not play them at the same time and Techno hates music! He will not do it for me, so can you Tubbo? I need a tune that goes Du Du Du Du Du Du Du Du Dua. The notes being something like: G B D, G A B, G A B. I think they are the notes, I'm not really sure. Anyway, I obviously do not have my keyboard on me right now, so I can not show you probably what I need you to play, but I will when we get home and you get settled in! So tell me when. Is it okay if you do that for me Tubbo?"
Tubbo looked at him slightly scared at how hyper he was. "I- er, I wou-would lov-love to..." Tubbo smiled weakly.
"Great! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! Up top!" Wilbur held out his hand for a high five. Tubbo accepted but only tapped Wilbur's hand lightly and pulling away quickly.
"Not the best high five but I will take it," Wilbur smiled.

(Techno pov)

I sat at the front of the car slightly annoyed at how hyper Wilbur was being. I guessed it was because he drank a few sugary drinks before we went to pick up the twins.
"Your have to excuse him, he drank to many sugary drinks and is having a bit of a sugar rush," I said, "He is not normally THIS annoying, though still annoying,"
"Oh... okay..." Tubbo replied nevously.
I turned around to look at the twins. They looked scared at Wilbur's outburst.
"You okay Tubbo?" I asked.
"I- well, I'm not- I'm fine..." Tubbo mutted.
"Tubbo?" I heard Tommy ask, "You sure bud?"
"I'll talk to you about it later Tommy," Tubbo said. Tommy held his hand and nodded.
"Tubbo, I want to speak to you when we get home." I said.
"Oh! Have I done something wrong? I am sorry if I have..." Tubbo started to tear up. Tommy hugged him, putting his back.
"No! I just want a chat, okay?"
"Okay..." He wiped away his tears and smiled at me.

(Wilbur pov)

I continued to jam out to my music. I didn't hear a word that Techno had said and I didn't care. He sucks and is a stupid nerd anyway.
"Hey!" I said to Tommy. I was unaware of my shouting. "Wanna listen?"
"I'll pass..." Tommy said.
I didn't hear that though. Well, I did, but I didn't care. I took off my head phones and put them on his head. Tommy listened to about 10 seconds of the song. His eyes widened in shock. I think he liked it.
"Did you make this?" He asked as he took them off pointing to them.
"Yep!" I took the head phones back. "I am working on a new one!"
I went to put my head phones back on when Dadza called:
"We are home!"

(No one pov)

Tubbo and Tommy looked at the new house. It was huge. It looked like it would cost a lot. The whole block was the same. The garden looked in good condition, and there must have been a lot of rooms in the house. The twins couldn't help but stair as Wilbur giggled at them. Techno and Philza had Tommy and Tubbo's things. They only had one bad each that had clothes in.
"Welcome home," Phil said happily.
"You get to live with us now," Techno smiled.
"We are brothers!" Wilbur jumped up and down happily.

Suddenly, Tubbo started to breathe heavily. His face went pailer as he heard what Wilbur and Techno has said.
"Tubbo?" Tommy asked, concerned about what was happening.

(Tubbo's pov)

I felt my head spinning and my body geting weaker. I think I heard Tommy say my name. I wasn't sure though. It was all a fuzzy mess. Then the world turned black with a thud.

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