16 Run

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(Tommy pov)

I made sure that Tubbo was alseep before I climbed out the window. I landed on the trampoline, just as I had planned.

I ran.

I ran into the forest that lay behind the house. I ran for what felt like ages. It was hard to breathe, so I had to stop. I leaned my back against as tree.
I had done it.
I had run away.
I saw a nearby lake and sat on the edge of it. I took of my shoes and let my sore feet rest in the water. I pulled out the note pad I had stole from Techno's room a few days ago and a pen that had my name on it. I wrote down Phil's address in the front of the book so I wouldn't forget where Tubbo was.
Tubbo would be upset that I ran away, but he would get over it. I hope.

10 days later

(Tommy pov again)

I was out of food, hurt, weak and very tired. I was leaning against a tree. I couldn't stand. I was to weak to stand, and I had ran out of food 5 days ago, I had also had had no sleep for almost 6 days. I knew of all the cuts and bruises I had. Well, most of them. I didn't know I had one on my arm till I hit it on a tree. Either way, the chances of my survival are now very slim. I also haven't drank in 3 days, and I think I am seeing things that are not there. Like I saw a ghost. I think. Or maybe it was a sheep that was blue? I'm not sure. Though they were best friends which was sweet.

I thought I was seeing things again when I saw who I thought was Technoblade. He was walking in the woods, then ran over to me when he saw me.
"Tommy! Tommy, what happened?!" He asked.
He was really there.
"T-T-Tech-no-no?" I saked. I can't even speak.
"Tommy? You can't talk very Well. How long since you have had a drink?"
I put up 3 fingers. Then 4, then 3 again. I am sure it had been 3 days, though maybe it was 4. I'm not sure.
I had to think. Does a human have 5 fingers? I counted my fingers till I got to 5 and showed them to Techno.
A look of shock crossed his face.
"Come on Tommy. I'm so happy I found you! Wilbur, Phil and Tubbo are going to be over the moon!" Techno smiled.
He picked me. It was obvious I could not walk.
"T-Thank y-y-you." I smiled.
He held me close to his chest. I could hear his fast beating heart. He was happy.


(Tommy pov again again)

Techno opened the door. Phil was paceing around the living room while Wilbur was strumming his guitar. Tubbo was sat on the sofa curled up in a ball. He looked sad.
They all looked around after Techno closed the door. Their faces went from sadness to shock and happiness.
"Look who I found." Techno smiled.
"Tommy! Tommy your okay!" Philza smiled. Techno hadded me to him.
"You look so bad, Tommy what happened?"
I knew trying to speak would be pointless.
I made and action that looked like I was drinking.
"Drink?" Phil guessed. I nodded.
I then moved my finger side to side.
"No?" I nodded.
I then put up 3 fingers. Then 4. Then 3.
"No drink in 3 or 4 days?" He asked. I nodded.
"Oh God! What about food?" He asked.
I shock my finger then held up 5 fingers.
"Tommy! No food in 5 days! Oh God." He sat on the sofa, still holding me. Tubbo sat next to him.
"Is Tommy okay?" He asked.
"He should be now. He is very lucky." Phil said, as he patted Tubbo.
"Do you want me to sing Tommy?" He asked.
I nodded. That would make me feel better about the whole situation.
"Okay." Tubbo smiled.
"Tom Tom I am here,
Tom Tom there is no need to fear,
Tom Tom I'm your Tubbo,
I'll be there on the double,
Tom Tom, your my Tommy,
And I'm your twiny,
I'll always be there for you Tommy."
Phil smiled. "Wilbur, can you get Tommy some water and food please?"
"Okay." Wilbur left the room and went to the kitchen.
"Oh Tommy. We missed you so much!" Phil smiled. He sat me down next to him and Tubbo.
"S-sorry." I said.
"We will talk about this when you are better." Phil patted my head.
Wilbur came into the room with two sausage rolls and a large glass of water. I took the plate and the glass.
"Thank you Will." I said. I drank the water and ate the food. When I was half way through my second sausage roll, I broke a bit of the end off and gave it to Tubbo.
"But Tommy, you need to eat." He said, taking it shyly.
"I had most of it. You can have some." I smiled.
He ate it, smiling at me.
"Tommy, are you okay?" Wilbur asked.
"Yeah. I am now." I smiled at him.


(Phil pov)

I closed the door to my room and turned to Tommy. He was sat on my bed nervously.
"I know what you want ro talk about." He said.
"Why did you run away?" I asked, carmly.
"I- I'm not sure... I'm sorry, I thought you didn't want me." He replied.
I sat down next to him.
"What do you mean Tommy?" I asked, in both shock and confusion.
He started crying, "Tubbo warmed up to you guys so quickly. I shouted at Eret for saying I was Wilbur's brother and I won't call you dad. I know you love it when Tubbo calls you dad and I thought you didn't like me as I wouldn't. You- I thought you wohld be angry at me for not calling you dad or not wanting to be called Wilbur and Techno's brother yet."
I hugged him. Man, I wish he didn't feel like that.
"I thought you wnated me gone." He said.
"Tommy, we love you. I'm okay with you not being ready to call me dad or call the older boys brother. It takes time for you to get used to being part of a family. Especially because of what you and Tubbo have been through. You have been in that blasted orphanage for years, going to bad homes then being sent back. We are here to be your family forever, Tommy. Just say dad and brother when you are ready, don't feel forced to call me your dad if you are not ready." I said.
Tommy looked at me.
"Thanks." He smiled.
"You did call me dad once though." I giggled.
He laughed, "It felt right."

Thanks for like 300 reads in total.
Boy, you guys are amazing.
Have a great day/night!

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