21 Swordsmen

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(Mega pov)

Techno smiled and closed the door. From what I have heard he doesn't tend to do that much.
"To start off, your gunna fight me Mega. I want to see your skill. How long have you been fighting?"
I thought a second. I held up 2 fingers.
"2 weeks?"
I shock my head.
"2 months?"
I shoke my head.
"2 years?"
I nodded.

I don't think I am very good as I was only tutored for the first 3 months. I have practiced for the rest of the time. Mostly with Skeppy, but he kinda sucks.

"Okay, well, your gunna fight me." Techno picked up his sword. I got mine.
"Okay, these are only wooden so you can't really hurt anyone anyway, but try and get me to the floor."
I nodded.
Tubbo sat on a stall by the door. He looked overjoyed to see a fight.

Techno tryed to hit me first. I blocked it effortlessly. I layed two hits on his left arm before he tried to hit me again. I also blocked that attack.
Easy so far.
Techno went to hit my foot but I jumped and kicked him. He nearly fell over. I landed on the floor, kinda hopeing he would. He didn't.
Of course he didn't.
He looked at me. He looked shocked that I did that. He charged at me. I got in a defensive position. His sword hit mine.

(Techno pov)

A look of concentration crossed Mega's face. He wasn't gunna do what I though ue was gunna do, was he? Does he even know how to do that?
He disarmed me of my sword. I went tumbling backwards while my sword fung in the air. He caught it.
How? I can't catch a sword.
He looked at me. I was still standing, but with no weapon.
If he does-
He jumped and kicked me to the floor before returning to his feet.

I breathed heavily. I was on the floor.

Mega had won.

(Mega pov)

I looked at Techno. He was looking up at me in shock.
I had won.

Good game.

Techno nodded when he saw what I had wrote.
"G-good game." He said.

Need help?

"Yes please."
I helped him up.
He was only struggling to breath because I had kicked him in the stomach. He would be fine though.
"Wow, I didn't know you were that good." He smiled at me.

Thank you

He patted my back.
I blushed. It felt weird, someone with his skill being proud of how well I fight.

"That was so cool!" Tubbo yelled.
"It was, wasn't it Mega?" Techno looked at me.
I went brighter red and held up the 'thank you' sign again.
"I want to fight again. Your an actual challenge." Techno laughed.

"Everything okay?" Phil asked, as he walked in.
"Help. I think Mega is to good for my likeing." Techno giggled.
I went brighter red, (which I didn't know was possible).
"Is it okay if I watch? Tommy is playing Minecraft with Ranboo and Wilbur is on the phone with Sally. It's probably more fun down here."
I nodded.
Techno shrugged. "Rematch. I don't like losing to people who I have just met. Fight till we surrenderthis time. It will be more fun."
I smiled.

We got in our positions.
"3!" Tubbo yelled. "2, 1 Go!"

I hit Techno twice in a cross pattern. He blocked the second one and tried to disarm me. I kicked his knee and hit his shoulder.
I backfliped back to where I had started. Techno looked at me in shock.
Can he not do a backfip?
He charged at me. I blocked the attack. He manged to push me to the floor.
"Give up?" He asked, placeing his foot on my stomach.
I shock my head.

I wasn't done.

I went to hit his foot with my sword. He moved it.
As I hoped.
I rolled under where his foot once was and stood up. Techno looked confused at where I had gone. I hit his back.
That answered his question of where I was.
He turned around.
We locked blades. He was stronger than me. He pushed me back against the wall, sword by my neck.
"Done now?" He asked smugly.
I struggled to breath.
I shock my head. I was nowhere near done.
I kicked his knees and he fell backwards, still on his feet though.
"What?" He asked, clearly confused on how I got out.
I smiled. I hit his side and he hit my arm. I had lost him.
He hit my back and pushed me to the floor.
Pain crossed my face.
"If your hurt we can stop." Techno said.
I shock my head.
I was not loseing this. Not without a good fight.
I hit him. The hit was weak, but he move back. I stood up.
"Are you sure you want to keep fighting?" Techno asked, concern on his voice.
I nodded and hit his arm.
"Should I still go rough, or do you want me to carlm it down a bit?"
I shock my head. Full.
"Mega that doesn't sound safe. Are you hurt?" Phil asked.
I nodded.
"Are you sure you don't want to stop?" Phil asked, concerned.
I nodded, and gestured for Techno to continue the fight. Reluctantly, he charged at me. I blocked his hit. I hit him as hard as I could. But I was weak from hitting back on the floor, so it didn't hurt much.
"Full?" Techno asked.
I nodded.

A huge mistake.

Techno slammed me into the wall.
I cried in pain and slowly slid down the wall, holding my arm.
Techno nelt down next to me.
"Mega? Are you okay bud?" He asked.
I nodded.
"Mega!" Phil ran over. "Mega are you okay? Did you hurt your arm?"
I shock my head to the first question (still a lie) and nodded to the second. I held my left arm in pain. It hurt so bad. I wanted to throw up.

I pointed at my notebook, which was on the other side on the room.
Tubbo came over with it and my pen.

My arm

That can't have been helpful to them, but I did it anyway.
"Scale of 1 to 10. How bad does it hurt?" Phil asked.
I got Techno to hold up 5 fingers as I held up all 10 of mine.
"15?" Phil asked.
I nodded.


I showed them. They looked confused.
"Oh! Did you hurt your back?" Tubbo asked.
I nodded.
"Oh God, does it hurt as bad as you arm?" Phil asked.

My back just feels bruised. It should be okay. My arm hurts so bad.
I also feel sick.

"You may have broken it." Phil said.
I shock my head.
"What do you mean 'no'?" Techno asked.
I shock my head again.
Honestly, I didn't know what it ment.
"Mega, are you alright?" Phil asked.
I shock my head.

It hurts. I can not think straight.

Phil rubbed my other arm to try and make me feel better.
I tried to stop it but it happened.

A tear fell down my check.

It hurts so much. Phil, Please help

He rubbed my back.
"Let's take up to the med room." Phil stood up.
I stood up holding my arm. Techno picked up my book and pen.
"Your gunna be okay." He said.
I nodded.

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