23 Surprise

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(Tommy pov)

Me and Tubbo sat down on the sofa.
Phil looked at us.
"So, explain." Phil said.
"I tryed beat up Ranboo because he took Tubbo from me." I said.
"What?" Tubbo asked.
"He took you from me!" I yelled.
"Don't take this out on Ranboo! He has done nothing wrong!" Tubbo yelled at me.
"Ranboo is trying to make you care for him, So he can hurt you later! People are all the same!"
"Ranboo is not like that!" Tubbo hugged Michael.
"Oh! And you two have a son! That is so dumb! Your acting like a 5 year old girl! Grow up Tubbo! People don't care!"
"He does." Tubbo started crying. "Ranboo does care!"
"No one does!" I yelled.
Tubbo was crying to much to listen.
"Boys!" Phil yelled.
Tubbo was busy crying and I just ignored him.
"They don't Tubbo." I said.
"They do Tommy!" He said. "You just don't let them! You never have! Not even with mum and dad!"
"Don't bring mum and dad in to this! This is now! They are dead!" I yelled. I started to cry after realising what I had said.
Phil sat in between us.
"Boys?" He asked.

(Tubbo pov)

I knew because of Tommy's outbursts, we were most likely going back to the orphanage.
"Sorry..." I said.
"We will pack." Tommy said.
"Why?" Phil asked.
"You obviously don't want a boy who acts like a 5 year old girl," Tommy hit my head. "And a boy who doesn't love you yet. So your probably gunna take us back to the orphanage."
I rubbed my head. It hurt.
"Don't hit your brother." Phil hugged Tommy. "And I will not take you back. I am gunna take care of you." Phil included me in the hug.
I hugged Phil.
"Thank you Dad." I said.
"Anyway, your birthday is tomorrow, remember?" Phil smiled.
"Wait, I thought it was next week?" Tommy said.
"Yay!" I smiled.
"You two go have fun. Let's forget this happened." Phil smiled.
"Yay!" Me and Tommy smiled.
Mega looked around at us.
"Arm okay Mega?" I asked.
He just looked at the ground.
He nodded.
"Poor guy." I sat next to him and rubbed his back.
He nodded a thank you.
"Tubbo go play. Leave Mega be." Phil said.
Mega held up his note pad.

He can stay
I like his company

I smiled at Mega.
"Thanks Mega." I said.
He nodded.


(Tubbo pov again)

I knew I should be asleep, but I just couldn't sleep. Me and Tommy where gunna be 14 tomorrow. More importantly, it would be our first birthday in a home since we were 4.
I looked over at Tommy's bed. He was asleep.
I grabbed my phone.

Ranboo? You up?

Yeah. You okay?

I can't sleep

Sucks to suck, I can.
Night loser.

I narrowed my eyebrows.

How dare you leave your husband when they can not sleep.
Bruh, are you up?

I didn't get a reply. He must of gone to sleep. I put my phone down.
Phil had told us not to go downstairs untill everyone was up, so they could see our faces.
I got up and walked out the room quietly. I nocked on Wilbur's door.
"Come in!" He semi-yelled.
I walked in.
"Hey Tubbo." Wilbur smiled. He was playing Minecraft, but he had a second screen that had lots of messages moving to quickly to read on it.
"What are you doing up?" Wilbur asked.
"Better question: what are you doing?" I stood behind him and looked at a camera.
"I'm streaming. Hey, chat, meet one of my dad's new kids! This is one of my younger brothers Tubbo!" He looked at me. "Say 'hi' to chat Tubbo."
"Hi chat..." I said nervously.
Wilbur got me a chair and I sat next to him. He zoomed out on his camera so I was in view.
"You stream?" I asked.
"Yep! I'm playing Minecraft. I was about to play my guitar for chat." Wilbur picked up his guitar. He started playing.
He stoped.
"Hey chat! Let's turn off Minecraft. We are gunna chat with Tu- Tubbo? What are you doing?"
I grabbed an old ukulele from on top of Wilbur's wardrobe. I started playing it.
"You like that ukulele, don't you?" Wilbur smiled.
I nodded.
"Hey chat! Want me to play Wilbur's keyboard?" I asked.
I was likeing this streaming thing.
I saw lots of people commenting yes. I started playing.
"Ay!" Wilbur started playing his guitar. "Chat! We are gunna play my new song! The one that came out yesterday! Hit it Tubbo!"
I smiled. I stared playing.

It had been an hour. Phil walked in.
"Hey, boys. Bed time." He smiled.
"Bye chat!" Wilbur ened his stream.
I smiled at Phil.
"Come on, Tubbo. It is your birthday tomorrow. You don't want to be tired." Phil said.
I smiled.
"Thank you Phil. Me and Tommy haven't had a birthday at a house since we where 4." I smiled.
"Your my sons. I will do anything for you."

Thank you so much :)
One more part of the story after this one, and then a surprise cor people who like this!
Thank you for reading!

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