22 Sit

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(Mega pov)

We arrived in the med room. I sat down nervously. Man did I hate these rooms.
Phil checked my back.
"You have a bruise, but it should be okay." He said.
I nodded. My back felt okay now.
"Can I see your arm?"
He went to grab it. I turned away.
"Dad is train in medical things! He was a doctor once." Tubbo said.
I didn't look at them.
"I'm gunna take care of you Mega. Just let me look, and I can help you." Phil said.
I showed him my arm.
He looked at it.
"I think it may be broken." Phil said. "You may need to go to hospital."
I pulled my arm away from him. I rubbed it.

I'm fine

"Mega, Dad said that you should go to the hospital." Tubbo said.
"That is a good idea." Techno said.
I shock my head.
"Mega, you should go."
I shock my head again.


I wrote.
"Come on. I'll take you. Phil will stay home." Techno said.

Fine. But I don't want to go.

Techno got me into his car and we left for the hospital.

(Tommy pov)

"Ranboo!" I yelled.
Ranboo laughed.
"I hate you so much!" I shouted.
"No you don't." He laughed.
"I do!"
"Well, according to Tubbo I am your-brother-in-law."
I stopped.
"What?" I asked.
"Tubbo thinks we are married and Michael is our son. It is all a joke, but Tubbo seems to love it." Ranboo said.
"I will meet you at the park in 10." I said, leaveing the Discord call.

He was so gunna get it.

"Phil! I'm going to the park!" I yelled as I was about to leave.
"Okay! Be back by 6 for dinner!" Phil called from the med room.
I didn't question why he was in there I just left.

10 minutes later

(Tommy pov again)

Ranboo was already there when I got there.
"You okay?" He asked.
I grabbed his collar and pulled his face close to mine.
"Stop trying to take Tubbo from me. He is my twin and not you 'husband'." I said quietly, which made it scarier than if I had yelled.
"It was Tubbo's idea! I didn't come up with it!" He pulled away from my grip. He rubbed his neck.
"Well stop hangging out with my twin! It is nearly our birthday, and if you take him away then, boy, are we gunna have a bigger issue than what we already have." I said.
"So, you called me here to beat me up?" Ranboo gulped.

I punched Ranboo's arm. I went to punch his face but he dodged it.

(Unknown man pov)

I saw a boy in red and white punching what looked like... an enderman? Or maybe not. It didn't matter.
The boy in red and white was trying to punch him. He layed a few hits.

I ran over and and grabbed the boy in red and white arms.
"Let go!" He yelled.
"Sit please." I said.
Surprisingly, he did. I sat opposite him.
"What happened?" I asked.

(Tommy pov)

"May I ask who you are first?" I asked, looking at the strange man.
"I am Sam." He said.
"Well, he tryed to take my twin from me." I said. "I guess Phil would be upset if he found out about this..." I mumbled the last bit so I was surprised Sam heard it.
"Phil? As in Philza Minecraft?" He asked.
"I know Phil. Are you one of his sons?"
"It's complicated." I said.
"You must be Tommy! He told me he was adapting twins called Tommy and Tubbo. And I remember him saying Tommy had blonde hair." Sam said.
"Yeah." I looked at the ground.
"And who is this?" He looked at Ranboo.
"Ranboo. He's an moron." I rolled my eyes.
"Are you sure? What has he done?"
"I didn't do anything!" Ranboo sat next to Sam.
"You took my twin!" I yelled. Sam, for some reason, started to stroke me. Odd. But it did carlm me down.
"Okay, how about Ranboo goes home and gets cleaned up and I take you home." Sam said.
"Whatever." I scoffed.
"Okay. You know how to get home Ranboo?"
"Yep. See you later." Ranboo walked off.
"Ready Tommy?" Sam asked.
"Yeah... I guess... Let's go."
We stood up.

The whole walk home me and Sam spoke. He was nice. I also found out he knew what Animal crossing was. I now call him 'Sam Nook'.
"Here we are Tommy." Sam said.
"Thanks Sam Nook." I smiled. "Can you nock? I- I-" I asked.
"Sure Tommy."
Sam nocked on the door. Phil answered.
"Sam! Hello! Has Tommy done something wrong?" Phil asked.
"A little." Sam said.
"Sam Nook! How dare you rat me out!" I laughed.
"Sam Nook?" Phil asked.
"Long story." Sam smiled. "Anyway, I came to drop Tommy off before he got in to much trouble. He was trying to beat up this guy called Ranboo, for apparently 'taking his twin'. I stopped him so he only got a few punches in, and Ranboo is okay."
"Tommy, I told you about being nice." Phil sighed.
"He took Tubbo!" I yelled.
"Apparently, they are married and have a son called Michael!"
"What?" Phil asked in confusion.
"I am just as confused as you Phil." Sam giggled.
"Both of you come in. I gunna have to talk to you and Tubbo." Phil let me and Sam in.
I was scared. Every time things like this happen, I was taken back to the orphanage. I had had so much fun with Phil and his family, the new friends and even Sam. I hadn't known them that long and now me and Tubbo would be going back.
Tubbo would be so disappointed. He wanted to celebrate his first birthday in a home. And our birthday was so close. He will be so sad.

There was a boy on the sofa. He wore blue with a green trousers and scarf. His arm was in a bandage. He looked at me. He can't of been more than 2 years older than me and Tubbo.

"Mega, sorry you have to hear this, but I need to speak to Tommy and Tubbo. There may be yelling." Phil said.
Mega, as Phil had called him, nodded. He just continued to fiddle with his sword case.
"Tommy, get Tubbo from your room."

I ran upstairs to get Tubbo.
"Tubbo, Phil wants to talk to us." I said.
"What?" He asked.
"Don't get upset."
"Where not gunna get taken back to the orphanage, are we?" Tubbo asked.
"I hope not." I sighed.

Me and Tubbo walked back downstairs. Phil looked angry, and pointed at the sofa.

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