3 School

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"You have school tomorrow! Shut you faces and go to sleep!" Philza shouted from his room.
"What?" Tubbo asked.
"You two have to go to school. It is Friday tomorrow, so you only have one day." Techno replied.
"And then summer holidays."
"Oh..." Tommy sighed.
"Don't worry! You can hang out with me and my friends!" Wilbur smiled.
"Oh, um, okay," Tubbo tried to smiled but you could tell it was fake.

At school the next day

Tommy looked at the boy who sat next to him. He was a bit taller than him. Which was shocking. Tommy was very tall. He was odd. He had half of his face black with a bright green eye. The other half of his face was white with a deep red eye. His hair was half and half too. The black half had white and the white, black. He had two horns and big enderman ears.

(Ranboo pov)

I looked over at the boy who sat next to be. Tommy. That is what I think his name is.
"Hi!" I smiled at him.
"Er, Hi..." Tommy said.
"Your new, right? I am Ranboo. The half fox dude next to me is Fundy." I said pointed Fundy.

(No one pov)

He had his head on the desk. His ears where twitching. Fundy was faceing away from the other boys. He had orange hair and most of his ears where orange. The tips where black. He also had a long fuffy tail that was orange with black at the end. It was swaying from side to side.
"Hi Fundy," Tommy said.
"Hi Thomas." He said.
"Hey, you can call me Tommy,"
"Would you prefer it?" Fundy asked as he looked at me. He was now sitting up straight.
"Yes please."
"Okay Tommy."
Fundy smiled at Tommy. Tommy smiled back.
"Are you okay Fundy? You look sad." Tubbo said.
"Yeah... struggled with writtig this letter to my friend." Fundy showed them the letter.
"That- That part makes no sense..." Ranboo said as he read through it.
"I'm dyslexic!" He took the letter back. He put his head back on the desk.
"I am too." Tubbo said.
"Really?" Fundy looked at him.
"Yeah." Tubbo smiled.
"I feel a bit better about it now." Fundy smiled.
They heard the bell ring.
"LUNCH!" A boy in purple ran out the room.
"What?" Tubbo asked.
"It is Lunch, then PE, they home time." Ranboo said.
"Oh..." Tommy said.
"Hi! I am Niki!" A girl had walked up to them. She had short hair.
"Hi! I'm Tubbo! This is my twin Tommy," Tubbo said.
"I'll see you around." She walked out the room.

Ranboo, Tommy, Tubbo and Fundy walked into the lunch hall. They saw Wilbur smiling and waveing for them to come over. They saw he was sat with 5 other people.

One of them had short brown hair and a crown on his head. The gems on the crown where ranbow and he wore a royal cloak. Over this he had a cape that was pink purple and blue. The bisexual flag.
One of them wore black and white. His trousers where black. His top was white with black sleaves and a flame on them. His hair was black and short. He wore a white bandana around his head.
The third one wore a blue top with '404' on it. He had short brown hair and wore purple trousers. He had white glasses on his head. The lenses where black.
The fifth and final peraon wore a green hoddie. He had shortish blondie brown hair. It coved his left eye. He smiled.

"Guys! Meet my friends! Niki, Eret, Sapnap, George and Dream!" Wilbur smiled.

(Eret pov)

The twins looked at us. Wilbur had told me about them in our History lesson, so we didn't do much work. He briefly explained them to everyone else before they arrived. I smiled at them.
"Hey Tommy, hey Tubbo," I waved. The pair seemed nervous, but still waved back.
"Eret! We are ment to be practicing the line for the play!" Dream said.
"It is okay Dweam! We can add these two in!" George said as he leaned in close to Dream's face.
I laughed. Dream hates being called 'Dweam' especially by George.
"Cut it out!" He slapped him.
"Okay. Down with blah blah blah, blah blah never ment to be. Okay, can we talk to the twins now?" I giggled to myself.
Wilbur started laughing so hard that he tipped his chair backwards. We all laughed at this. He was stupid sometimes.
Ranboo, Tubbo and Tommy sat down. Ranboo next to Dream, Tommy next to Wilbur and Tubbo opsite him, next to me. We watched as Fundy grabbed another chair from a different table. He sat on it backwards and smiled at us.
"Trying to be cool again?" Dream laughed.
"What? I am cool!" Fundy put on a pair of sunglasses he had on him.
"Swagger!" Ranboo said, as he put on a pair that he had. They had the same pair of sunglasses.
We all laughed.

"Did you say something about a play?" Tubbo asked curiously.
"Yep," I replied.
"What is it about?"
"MEN FIGHT FOR INDEPENDENCE AS DREAM AND HIS GANG TRY AND STOP THEM! HE DOESN'T WANT THEM TO BREAK FREE OF HIS TYRANNY! HOWEVER, MY MEN SHALL FIGHT FOR WHAT IS RIGHT! WE WILL GET OUR LIBRARY EVEN IF IT COSTS US OUR LIVES!" Wilbur shouted as he stood up on his chair, foot on the back of the leaning seat, waving a stick of banboo like a sword. We all laughed as he got a bunch of odd looks.
"Based of some books Techno is writing." Wilbur added.
"It isn't really a play, more of a movie. We are making it for fun and we are going to show the school so we can pass our filming test." I said.
"I want in!" Tommy said.
"Same," Tubbo smiled.
"Me too!" Fundy's ears where twiching and his tail wagging.
"I would if I could. I am buzy. I'll join in if you do a second maybe," Ranbok said.
"That's fine Ranboo. Fundy! You can play Wilbur's son again!" Sapnap said laughing.
"Yeah!" I said. We knew how much he hated haveing to play Wilbur's son in the school play a few years back.
"Yes! Who is my cute little fox?!" Wilbur leanded over the table to pat Fundy's head. We watched as an angry expression crossed Fundy's face as he moved his ears down so Wilbur didn't touch them.

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