18 Ranboo's secret

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The next day

(Tubbo pov)

It may have seemed odd how much I liked hanging out with Ranboo, but honestly, I didn't care. Tommy stayed home while I went to meet Ranboo in town. I brought my phone, just in case, and some money in case I wanted to get something. I had eaten before I went so I would be good for a few hours.
I saw Ranboo stood by the DVD shop.
"Boo!" I yelled.
He looked over and waved.
"Hi Bee!" He smiled, as I approached him.
"How are Ranboo?" I asked.
"I'm good. I want to talk though." He said.
"Boo? What's up?" I asked.
"Follow me."
Ranboo led me to a dark, and slightly creepy, alley.
"Ranboo?" I asked, trying not be scared, "What is wrong? And why are we here?"
"I have a voice. In my head. And, it scares me." Ranboo said.
"What? Boo, what do you mean?" I was confused. A voice?
"It tells me thing Tubbo! Not- not nice things."
"Techno! Techno does as well!" I said. "He can help! Come to mine later, and he can help you." I said.
Ranboo looked unsure. "O-Okay."
I smiled. "Let's go to the park!"
"Okay Bee."

We arrived about 10 minutes later. I sat picking flowers. Ranboo had just climbed down from a tree.
I walked up to him.
"Be my husband." I said.
"What?" He asked.
"Be my husband."
"Bee, what?"
"It's a joke. Though say yes or I brake your knees. Be my husband."
"Yes?" Ranboo said.
"Good!" I smiled.
"You are my husband!" I skipped away giggling.
"What Bee? Have you gone mad?" Ranboo asked, jogging to catch up with me.
"Yep!" I laughed.
"What?" Ranboo laughed.
"Let's go shopping. We need a son." I ran towards the shops again.
"What? Wait! Tubbo wait! I need to catch up!" Ranboo laughed as he ran to catch up with me.

We found a toy shop. There was a toy of a minecraft Zombiefied Piglin. I ran in and brought it as quick as I could.
"Ranboo! Our son! His name is Michael!" I said, showing him the toy. It was a fairly big toy, but I didn't care.
"Er, Hi Michael..." Ranboo said, giggling.
"Hung him!" I gave him the toy.
Ranboo hugged him.
"He's soft." Ranboo said, stroking his head.
"Aw, Michael likes you Boo." I giggled.
"Yeah. Yeah he does."
"Come on let's go to mine."


(Tubbo pov again)

I held Michael on the walk to mine. It was an half an hour walk, but I didn't really mind because I had Ranboo to chat with.
"Thanks for cheering me up." Ranboo said. "I needed it."
"Your welcome Boo. We can talk to Techno about the voices. If he is home. He may had gone out with Skeepy." I said.
"Do you mean Skeppy?" Ranboo asked.
"Yeah. Who ever he is."
"I know Skeppy. Not very well. He is a nutcase." Ranboo laughed.
"I want to meet him." I said.
"Maybe Technoblade will let you at some point."
I smiled at Ranboo. "Thank you for being my best friend Ranboo." I said.
Ranboo smiled then looked away.
"You okay Boo?" I asked.
"Yeah..." He said.
"Bruh, no your not. What's up?"
"The voices. They say your lieing." Ranboo took Michael and hugged him tite.
"About what?" I asked.
"Us being best friends. I want to believe it is true but the voices wont let me." He said.
It was lucky we had gotten home.
I saw a boy in blue walk away from the house. I wanted to talk to Skeppy so bad, but now wasn't the best time.
"Techno should be home Ranboo. I saw Skeppy leave." I said, patting his sholder.
"Okay." He still held Michael.

We walked in.

(Ranboo pov)

We walked into the house. Techno was in the living room, reading. Tubbo whispered something to him and the 3 of us went to his room.

"You okay Ranboo?" Technoblade asked.
"I have voices." I said.
"Don't worry. I do too. I can help."

He doesn't want to help.

He is lieing.

"Are- are you sure you want to help?" I asked.
"Boo, I told you would want to help! Why are you doubting it now?" Tubbo asked. He wasn't mad, just confused.

He is mad at you.
He thinks you are dumb for wanting to turn back now.
Run Ranboo.

"I- er, I-" I stuttered.
"Ranboo?" Techno asked.


I ran to the door. Techno got there first and locked it.
"Let me out!" I yelled.
"It is the voices telling you to run, isn't it?" He asked.

Tell him he is wrong.
He doesn't have voices.
He just wants to lie to you.
They all do.

"Yes." I said, ignoring what the voices had said.
"They probably told you to lie too, didn't they?"

Stop talking to him Ranboo.
He doesn't want to help.
He just wants to make you like him, then leave you alone.

"You do want to help me, right?" I asked.
"I do." Techno nodded.


"You- you sure?"

Stop it

"Yep. 100% sure." He nodded.
Normally, when people try to help, they hate the fact I have to ask the same question 100 times. But Techno wasn't getting annoyed. He understood.

He is annoyed

"Okay. Is the window locked?" I asked.
"Yep. There is no way out, and no one can hear in. If it gets uncomfortable, I can stop asking questions, so just tell me, okay?"

Your not weak
You can answer all of his dumb and useless questions

"Okay." Techno said. "How long has this been going on?"
"Um, about 2 years." I said. I knew I should gotten help before now, but I just didn't want to.
"Okay, how many voices are there?"
"10, no 100, no 1000 I- I don't know. Infinite? Maybe it is 1?" I sounded dumb.

Not helping Ranboo

"I am!" I yelled.
Techno looked at me.
"Sorry. Voice. I think it is 1."
Techno nodded.
"You still okay?" He asked.

You are not
He doesn't care though

"No. The voice." I said.
"Okay, what stops the voice?"
"Happy emotions."
"Okay. I won't question anymore, or you may get uncomfortable. We will do it next time." Techno unlocked the door.
"When I first got help, they recomend breathing. It doesn't alway work fully, but it does help."
"Thank you." I smiled.
Me and Tubbo left the room.

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