15 Park fight

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The next day

(Wilbur pov)

We went to the park to relax. Me and Sally had finally made an agreement. We invited all of our friends to come with us.

I was chatting with Fundy.
"So, Son, what do you want to play on?" I mocked.
"Stop! I'm not your son!" Fundy sat on the bench crossed legged, pouting. "Next thing you know Sally will be my mum..." He mutted.
He shouldn't have said that.
I called for Sally and she came over. I whispered to her all about how I am Fundy's 'dad' and she agreed to join in and be Fundy's 'mum'.
"Come on Fundy! You gunna go on something?" Sally smiled at me.
"Oh no! Not you too! But yes. Can I go on the monkey bars?" Fundy asked. His tale wagging.
I couldn't help but laugh.
"Sure! Let's go." Fundy and Sally walked over to the monkey bars.

Suddenly, Sapnap and George ran over.

"Wilbur! Tommy and Dream are fighting!" Sapnap yelled.
"So? They do that all the time. 'Why do you like green? Red is better!' And 'Red sucks, green is amazing!' So?" I replied.
It was true. They are friends, just very different.
"No! Physically fighting!" George yelled.
"Oh Lord."
We ran over.
I hated waht I saw.

Dream was punching Tommy and he yelleped i pain. He tried to punch Dream but only one of the punches landed.
Tommy then started kicking Dream, to try and get him off him.
"Ow!" Dream yelled.
Tommy wasn't very strong, so The only reason it would have hurt is because Tommy had one of his shoes on. However, he only had one on. I had no idea where the other had gone.

"What do we do? If we tell Phil we are all dead meat!" Eret said.
"He is gunna noticd what happened!" Sapnap yelled back.
"What's going on?" Sally and Fundy walked over.
"Guess who got in fight? Tommy. He is in a fist fight with Dream." I smi-yelled.
"Oh my God!" Sally saw the fight.

(Tommy pov)

I was panting hard trying to breath. I had definitely lost this.
"Is- is that all- all you got?" I asked. Why was I trying to be strong? This guy could kill me if he wanted.
"How about a nose bleed?" Dream asked.
I didn't have time to reply. He punched my nose and now it was bleeding.
"Now I am done." Dream ran home.

I lay there. It was hard to breath and I could feel tears building up in my eyes. Dream was stronger than I thought. I tryed to sit up but fell back down.
"Ow!" I yelled as my back hit the concrete.
I saw everyone run over.
"Go-" I coughed. "Go away!" I said, some how it was hard to speak.
"Tommy! Look at you!" Wilbur sounded alarmed.
I looked over at Tubbo. He was crying on Qauckity's shoulder.
"I'm fine." I said.
"Tommy, I've got you. Just don't try and move." Techno picked me up and carried me to the car.
"I'm fine!" I said coughing straight after.
Wilbur got Tubbo and told Karl and Qauckity to go to Big Q's house. Karl decided he wanted to stay there for the rest of the week.
Techno sat me in the front seat while Wilbur, Sally and Tubbo sat in the back.
"Will he be okay?" Sally asked.
"Yeah he-" I interrupted Wilbur.
"I'm fine!" I said.

20 minutes later

(Still Tommy pov)

We arrived home. Great now Phil was gunna know. My nose had just stopped.
Techno carried me into the house.
Unluckily, Phil was in the living room.
"Oh my God! What happened? Is Tommy okay?" Phil asked.
Techno lay me on the sofa. I sat up and lent against the arm.
I looked at Phil. "I'm fine."
"Tommy! Look at you! Did you have a nose bleed?" Phil looked at my nose, which still had blood there as we had no tissues.
Techno nodded.
"Oh Lord! Let's go to the Med room. Can you walk?"
I tried and fell over. I saw Tubbo start crying again.
Phil picked me up and carried me to the med room. He sat me down on the bed.
Tubbo ran in.
"Tubbo, can you leave?" Phil asked.
"No! I am staying with Tommy!" He hugged me. I wrinkled my face in pain.
"Sorry Tommy!" Tubbo said.
"Fine, but you can not hug him and he needs space."
Tubbo moved away a bit, still close to me.
Phil cleaned me up and gave me bandages.
"Done. Can you walk now?" Phil said.
I tried. My walk was a limp. He was a large cut on my leg he had missed.
"Hold on." He put a bandage on it.
"Now, sit and tell me what happened." Phil looked a bit angry.
I sat.
"I told Dream he was dumb, I hated him, his ideas where stupid and everything he enjoys is dumb." I said, "So he beat me up."
"Oh Tommy." Philz hugged me. "Be nice, okay?"
I just nodded.
I didn't really listen to what hd said.
He isn't my Dad.

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