13 Sleepover

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(Karl pov)

I walked into Phil's house. It was larger than mine. Tommy and Tubbo dragged me, Ranboo and Quackity to the sofa to watch Hamilton.

After the movie ended, we made a pillow fort. I found a soft toy frog and sat on the sofa hugging it.
"You okay Karl?" Wilbur asked.
"Yeah..." I replied. Hugging the frog closer.
"Hey! I know what will cheer you up! Come in the fort. You are going to time travel!" He grabbed my hand and ran to the fort.


(Philza pov)

I watched as Karl checked his phone. They had finished there game about Karl going 100 years into the future and meeting four fishermen. His face fell.
"Are you okay Karl?" I asked.
"No... My mum and dad wont be comeing home for another week. I wont be able to go home for a week." Karl hugged the frog.
"Karl! Oh dear!" I hugged him. He started crying.
"Is Karlos okay?" Quackity sat next to Karl.
"His parents wont be home for a week." I said.
"Karl, where are you gunna go?" Wilbur asked.
"The swing. That is where I normally go." Karl put the frog down and walked over to the door.
We all looked around at the stairs. Techno was stood there.
"You can't stay outside. I did that for years and it destroyed me both physically and mentally. I know how it feels to be left, Abandoned. It is horrible. I don't want that to happen to anybody else. Karl, you will stay with us." Techno said.
"R-Really? My parents say I am a bit a-annoying and I get in the way. They love me, I think, but they say I get in the way. I don't want to get in your way." Karl wiped away some of the tears that had been falling down his face.
"Oh Karl!" I hugged him again. "You can come here when ever you need. Come on. You go in the spare room. Do you have any clothes?"
"Yeah. I have two pairs of PJ's, two tops, two pairs of jeans and things like that." Karl replied.
"Okay, we can wash your clothes. You can stay in the spare room." I smiled at him.
"Okay." Karl smiled.
"Okay. I'll order Pizza, Is that okay?"
"Yay!" Tommy shouted.
"Yes! Pizza!" Tubbo giggled.
"Yeah." Karl nodded.
"Good!" I went to order the Pizza.


(Tubbo pov)

I was looking around the room. Everyone was asleep. Other than Karl. He was hugging the frog toy.
"You okay Karl?" I asked.
"Yeah. You?" He asked.
"I'm good."
Karl started crying.
"I miss home." He mutted.
I hugged Karl.
"Don't worry! We are here." I didn't know what to say. I am very bad at confirming people.
"Tubbo I miss my family!" He said through his tears. My top was getting very wet from his tears. I didn't know what to say.
"Karl it will be fine. Your see them in a week." I said.
"Tubbo! I want to see them now! Tubbo I miss them! Tubbo." He was still crying.
My top was soaked.
"Do you want to talk to Dad?" I asked.
"I want to talk to someone who will understand." Karl hugged me tighter. I was struggling to breath.
"Look, Dad is understanding. He will understand what you are going through."
"Yeah..." I was slightly worried about what he was gunna ask me.
"Am I a wast of space? Do I get in the way?" He looked at me.
"No! No you are not!" I was shocked. This boy boy.

Phil walked into the room.

"Karl! Are you okay?!" He ran over and sat next to Karl.
"I miss home..." Karl was still crying on me.
Phil looked at me. How long? He mouthed.
20 minutes I mouthed back.
He noticed my soaking wet shirt.
"Karl, are you okay? Do you want something?" Phils asked, rubbing Karl's back.
"W-water." He said.
"Okay." Phil went to get Water.
Karl sat up. He looked at me.
"Sorry." He said.
"For what?" I asked.
"Your shirt. It is wet." Karl giggled.
I laughed, "It's fine."
Karl and I continue laughing untill Phil came over and haned Karl the cup of water. He took the cup and sighed.
"Thank you Phil." Karl drank the water.
"Your welcome buddy." Phil patted his back.
"Karl?" I asked.
"Hm," He looled at me.
"Where you adopted?" I looked at him.
Karl started crying. He nodded.
"I'm sorry." I started crying.
"It's- No It's fine." Karl continued crying.
Phil didn't know what to do.

Technoblade came and sat inbetween us.
"You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine,
You make me happy,
When skys are grey,
Your never know dear,
How much I love you," He sang.
We all joined in for the last line.
"Please don't take my sunshine away."
Phil giggled.
Wilbur sat up and Qauckity smiled.
They sang.
"The other night dear,
When I lay sleeping," Wilbur sang.
"I dremted you where by my side." Quackity sung.
"When I awoke dear,
I was mistaken," Technoblade sang.
"And I hung my head and I cryed." Me and Karl sang.
We all sang together:
"You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine,
You make me happy,
When skys are grey,
Your never know dear,
How much I love you,"
They left me to sing the last line.
"Please don't take my sunshine away." I smiled.
Tommy woke up.
"Guys. I had a bad dream. Where... Where I lost Tubbo." Tommy said.
Phil ran and hugged him.

(Tommy pov)

I had never had that dream. About Tubbo dieing. I hated it. It- It felt so real.
Tubbo sat next to me.
"Tom Tom I am here,
Tom Tom there is no need to fear,
Tom Tom I'm your Tubbo,
I'll be there on the double,
Tom Tom, your my Tommy,
And I'm your twiny,
I'll always be there for you Tommy." Tubbo sang.
"What was that?" Wilbur said through his giggles.
"A song that I wrote for Tommy. He has nightmares a lot, and it carms him when I sing it." Tubbo said. I lay down with my head on Tubbo's lap. He started playing with my hair.

I don't want to be annoying, but thanks for reading!
Sorry if there are spelling mistakes....
Spelling isn't my strong spot.
Are you enjoy the book? Let me know!
Have a good day/night!

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