17 The skatepark

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Next day

(Tubbo pov)

I have no idea why me and Tommy came. We hate sport. Dream and Sapnap had taken me and Tommy to the skate park. They said they wanted to try and make Tommy feel better, and that they had missed him a lot while he was gone.
George had tagged along. He is clingy to Dream.

Dream also kept saying 'sorry' to Tommy every 10 minutes about the fight at the park. It may have been a while ago, but he still felt bad, and honestly, shouldn't have beaten Tommy up.

"You want ago?" Dream asked me. He held up his bored.
"But- but I have never done it before. I could break the board!" I said.
"You had ago about 4 years ago Tubbo!" Tommy said.
Sapnap laughed.
"I could always get a new one." Dream said. "This one is about 6 years old anyway."
He handed me his board. It was white with light green at the sides. There was a black smiling face, that Dream had clearly drawn on, in the middle. The bottom was dark green and the wheels black.
He handed me his light green helmet.
"I'll give you my knee and elbow pads." Dream took them off.

He helped me put them on. I stood up and put on the helmet, doing up the strap so it wouldn't fall off.
Dream smiled.
"You already look like a professional." He said.
"Honestly, don't be like a parent and start crying." I laughed.
"Okay. Sapnap is gunna show you how to do it. I will try and help, even though I don't have a board." Dream smiled.

"Hey guys! I didn't know you come here!"

We all looked around to see Fundy running up to us. He had holes in his helmet for his ears. His board had what looked like a sitting down fox, only from the back so you could see it's large tail.
"Fundy? You skate?" Sapnap asked.
"Yeah, not very good though." Fundy smiled. "Why has Tubbo got Dream's skateing things?"
"I'm trying to skate. I did it before like 4 years ago, so Sapnap if going to teach me!" I smiled.
"Okay, show me what you've got the Tubbo." Sapnap said.

(Sapnap pov)

He was incredible. He was doing tricks even I couldn't do. Tubbo said he hadn't skated in 4 years, how was he so good?

Then he did something that broke all laws of physics, well, what I understood of them.
It was like the world was in slow motion.
He jumped, the skateboard spinning very quickly in the air. Tubbo did two backflips before landing back on the skateboard and skating over to us.

Everyone's jaw dropped.
"Did I do okay?" Tubbo asked shyly.
"What-" Dream was in shock and didn't know what to say.
"How? That was the best thing I have ever seen! How did you do it?" I asked.
"I- I dunno. It kinda came like second nature." Tubbo was beaming. He was so happy at what he had just done.

10 minutes later

(George pov)

Me and Tommy sat and watched. Dream and Sapnap where helping Tubbo and Fundy.
Tommy sighed.
"You okay?" I asked.
"Yeah... Just board." Tommy said.
"Well, after this we can go shopping! I'll get you some things." I smiled.
"You don't have to do that." Tommy looked at me.
"Bro, you nearly died in the forest, you are hurt and sad. I want to make you feel better."
I hugged him. He didn't seem to like it that much, but honestly, I don't care.
"I missed you."
"I missed you too Gogy." Tommy smiled as I let go of him.

12:30 pm

(Dream pov)

Fundy had left half an hour ago, and we had gone into town. We sat in our favourite cafe when George came back.
"Got them." He whispered to me.
Tommy and Tubbo looked confused.
"So, we got you two some things." Sapnap said.
"What?" Tommy asked.
"Tubbo, we got you this." Dream pulled out a green skateboard with bees on it.
"Wow! Thank you so much guys!" Tubbo hugged the board.
Sapnap gave him the yellow helmet and green pads.
"Now you can skateboard when ever you want!" George smiled.
"Thank you!" Tubbo smiled.
"Tommy. We got you this." I handed him a brand new phone.
"What? I can't take this! It is so expensive!" Tommy said, in shock at the gift.
"Tubbo has the phone for the pair of you that you have had for about a year." I said. "It is time you have your own phones."
Tommy took it, still in shock at the gift.
"Thank you. Thank you so much. How can I repay you?" He asked.
Sapnap laughed, "You being our friend and not dieing in the woods is enough Tommy."
"And here. So you remember we are friends." George handed Tommy a picture frame.
It was the picture we had taken altogether after we had finished makeing our movie and where about to go home. All of use together, with Tommy and Tubbo at the front.
Tubbo looked at it.
"Wow..." He said.
"If you ever need time away from your family Tommy, don't run away. Come to one of your amazing friends in the picture." I said.
The picture may of had Wilbur in, but he knew what we ment.
Tears started to fall from Tommy's eyes.
"Thank you. Thank you so much. I love it." He looked at me.
"Here's a key chain each of the picture we took at the skate parck as well." George handed them the key chains.
"Thank you!" They both smiled.
We had done it. We had made them happy.


(Phil pov)

Tommy and Tubbo had told us all about what had happened that day with the 'Dream Team'. They were so happy with the gifts and I couldn't thank them enough.
We had just finished eating when Tommy started to look at the picture again.
"You okay?" Techno asked him.
"I'm fine. Just happy to have such great friends." Tommy smiled.
I was happy to see how happy he was, even after the situation yesterday.

Edit from your author GreyPigman07!
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