5 Snowball fight

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That evening

(Wilbur pov)

I lay on my bed with my headphones on. I was tapping my foot to the beat. Normal.
Suddenly, my Skype rang. I placed my headphones around my neck, and answered the call.
"Hey Niki," I said.
"Hi Will," She waved.
I waved back. I lent back in my chair and grabbed my guitar. I started strumming.
"Eret said you looked like you need to talk," She said.
I sat up and put my guitar on the floor.
"What gave him that idea?" I asked.
"The fact that you put your headphones on and started ignoring everyone around you." She giggled.
"I am fine. I don't need to talk to anyone!" I threw one of my darts at a picture on the wall.
"What did you throw that at?" She asked.
"A picture of me, Tommy and Tubbo that said brothers," I replied.
"I see the problem." She giggled again.
"Your angry. You want to call Tommy and Tubbo your brothers, however, they are not ready."
"Your right and I don't like it. Bye Niki,"
"Bye!" She laughed.
I ended the call.
"Why is she right!" I smacked my head on my desk.

Tommy and Tubbo's room

(No one pov)

Tommy sat hugging the toy cow he had. He was upset about what he had done earlier.
Tubbo was on his bed hugging his bee. Only he was laying down.
"Am I a bad bro- person?" Tommy said asked.
Tubbo looked at him

Why?" He asked.
"Earlier. When I tryed to punch Eret." Tommy looked at the ground. "I tryed to beat him up when he said the truth. I am Wilbur's brother and I know it."
"It isn't your fault you don't feel like they are your brothers. You are not alone..."
Tommy looked at Tubbo. He was looking at the ceiling, while he messed with his bees wings.
"What did you just say?" Tommy asked.
"Your not alone. I get on well with them too, but they don't feel lile my brothers yet. I say they are, because I know they are and I can not change that. So I accept it." He had turn away from Tommy.
"But you seem to love them," Tommy said.
"I do. Just, I don't know."

The next day

(So, ignore the fact it Kinda sonws in the summer. They live in the odd place where that happens.

It is NOT because I kinda forgot it was summer)

(Tommy pov)

I woke up to Wilbur and Tubbo jumping on my bed.
"Snow! Wake up you gremlin child! I want to play in the snow!" Wilbur shouted.
Tubbo was giggling.
"What did you call me?" I jumped out of bed and chased Wilbur out of the room.

"I gunna kill you!" I shouted. We were running down the stairs. I had grabbed one of Techno's plastic minecraft swords and was trying to hit Wilbur.
"You wont tuch me child!" He ran round the conner into the conservatory.
I stood at the bottom of the stairs, a smile on my face. I had an idea.
"Oh, I will stop chasing you Wilbur. I need to go and TOUCH YOUR GUITAR!" I shouted the last part and then ran up the stairs.
"No!" I heard Wilbur shout. "Get back here you child!"
I heard him thumping up the stairs behind me after I entered his room.
"I'm gunna touch it!" I touched it.
Wilbur ran in and saw.
"Oh you-" He slapped me round the face.
I ignored the pain and kept laughing. Wilbur went to leave the room.
Out of the blue, his phone rang. I picked up his phone.
"Tommy! Give th-" He went to snach it off me.
I read the message.
"Like a date? Oh Will, your so sweet. Yes. It is from a girl called Sally." I looked up at him smiling. "You have a girlfriend?"
"No! She is just a friend!" Wilbur tried to grab his phone. I didn't let him have it.

I ran downstairs.
"Wilbur has a girlfriend!" I shouted. When I got into the liveing room, showing them the message.
Phil, Techno and Tubbo tirned to look at me.
"Really?" Techno asked.
"What?" Phil asked in shock. "Will what?"
Tubbo nodded.
"Wilbur has a girlfriend!" I laughed.
Wilbur came down the stairs. He looked all messy. His hat was covering one of his eyes.
"You are so d e a d!" Wilbur sounded out of breath.
"Wilbur," Phil said.
"Tommy says you have a girlfriend,"
"You dumb child." Wilbur straitened his hat and sat down. "When I get to play in the snow I am going to hit you, so hard."
"Oh! Annoying! Do you have a girlfriend or not? I need to know if I can make fun of you for having a girlfriend or for not having a girlfriend." Techno said, smileing.
"Fine! I do!" Wilbur said. "Her name is Sally and she is beautiful."
"Yuck!" Tubbo shouted.
We all laughed.
Wilbur opened the window and grabbed two snowballs. He threw one at me and one at Tubbo.

(No one pov)

"Hey!" Tommy laughed.
"No snow in the house Will," Philza said.
Tommy opened a different window and got some snow. He threw it at Wilbur.
"Why you-" Wilbur was cut off by Tubbo hitting him with a snowball.
"Techno, your with me, we are going to beat them!" Wilbur hit Tubbo.
The boys continued throwing snow and laughing.
Phil sipped his tea. "What happened to no snow in the house?" He giggled. He was just happy to see the boys getting on.

1 pm

(Jack Manifold pov)

I watched as Tommy and Tubbo ran over.
"Jack!" Tubbo said happily.
"Aup guys!" I smiled. I hadn't seen them in a while.
"Not seen you in what feels like forever!" Tommy smiled.
"Who is that?" I pointed to a boy behind them. He had black trousers and a red jacket. His short hair was pink at the top and brown at the bottom. He was clearly dieing his brown.
"Oh. He is one of our adopted brothers. His name is Technoblade, we all call him Techno though." Tubbo said.
"Oh. Hi Techno!" I shouted to him.
"Hi bro!" Techno waved, then continued kicking the snow.
"He doesn't talk much." Tubbo said.
"Wait... I know you! Techno, we were in detention together last year! Remember, you slapped the teacher while I climbed out the window, then you followed." I said.
"Oh yeah. That was fun," Techno laughed. I laughed with him.
"What?" Tubbo and Tommy asked.
"We escaped detention together like 7 times." I smiled.
"Good times. I gave a teacher a nose bleed." Techno smiled.

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