4 Movie starts

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(Tubbo pov)

"So, you are making a movie, to pass a test?" I asked.
"Yep! I play Wilbur! I make a nation called L'manburg!" Wilbur said.
The rest of Lunch, and PE, was spent talking about how me, Tommy and Fundy could be in it.

It was after school. We got in the back of the car. Phil was driving, but Techno was no where to be seen.
"Where is Techno?" I asked as Wilbur started to strum his guitar. He had brought it with him because he had a music lesson.
"He has detention." Phil started the car.
"Why?" Tommy asked.
"He got in a fist fight and badly hurt the other person. Don't worry about him. He can get the bus home later." Phil started driveing.

Wilbur kept strumming his guitar.
"Can you play a song?" I asked.
"Well, I- later." Wilbur put his head phones on.
"Oh... okay." I looked pretty stupid now.
Tommy put his arm around me. I smiled at him

We got on with the family quite well, but we still didn't feel like we where part of the family.

7 hours later

(Still Tubbo pov)

We where home. We had been for 6 and a half hours later. Wilbur hadn't spoken ever since I had asked him to play a song for me. I was laying on Tommy's resting my head on Tommy chest.
"You okay Tubbo?" Tommy asked.
"Yeah... I just wondered why Wilbur sounded offended when I asked if he could play a song." I replied.
"I dunno. Welp! Let's go to sleep." Tommy nodded off not long after that.

I checked he was in a deep sleep, before I left the room. I knocked on Wilbur's door.
"Come in," He said.
I opened the door.
"Wilbur," I said.
"What do you want Tubbo?" He asked. He was sat on his bed crossed legged and didn't look at me once. He had just finished turning his guitar.
"I am sorry about earlier..." I said sadly.
"No. It isn't your fault. I am just not a fan of my singing voice. I don't think it soundsvery good."
"If you don't want to, you don't have to, but can you sing me something. Just in here." I closed his door, "No one else has to hear it,"
"Well- I don't- Fine."
I was shocked that he agreed to it.
"Sit," Wilbur said. He moved so he was sat next to me.
"What will you sing?" I asked.
"The L'manburg anthem. From the play." He got his guitar ready to play.
"Oh! I haven't heard it yet." I smiled.

"Well I heard there was a special place,
where men could go and emancipate,
From the brutality
and tyranny
of their rulers.
Well, this place is real,
you needn’t fret,
with Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, not Eret,
It's a very big and not blown up L’Manburg.

My L’Manburg,
My L’Manburg.
My L’Manburg,
My L’Manburg.

For freedom and for liberty,
our nation sought to build on these,
a victory for all under democracy.
Well the darkness came and then it went,
we built a home and watched it end.
And from the rubble,
emerged my great

My L’manburg,
My L’manburg.
My L’manburg,
My L’manburg.

With hands, bloodied
and knees, feeble.
Our nation rose like
The Great Eagle,
Our empty fields and canals ‘round
With sweat and tears we armed our ranks.
We laid foundations in our land.
And all lips from here up to forever

We sing L’Manburg,
We sing L’Manburg.
We sing L’Manburg,
We sing L’Manburg."

(Wilbur pov)

I had finished singing. I took a deep breath. I looked around at Tubbo. He was in shock.
"That is the full anthem. We sing the short version normally." I said, putting my guitar down next to me.
"Your voice is amazing," Tubbo said.
"Thanks," I smiled.
"Have you made a song? You asked me to help with one."
"Can you sing it?"
"Fine..." I picked up the guitar again.

"Life isn't quite what I thought I'd be
When I was a kid on VoIP
I thought when I get older
I'd marry her, I told her
Now I'm 26, and I work in an office
Nine 'til five's not the best, I'll be honest
If I could change a single thing
I'd make it me-"

I stopped as Techno walked in the room.
"You don't need to hide your song from me," Techno said.
"What?" I said.
"He's in your bed," Techno sung.
"And I'm in your twitch chat..." I sung quitely. "You know?"
"Well yeah. You sing it so loud at 3 in the morning." Techno giggled. "Look who fell asleep,"
I looked at Tubbo. He fell asleep, laying on me.
"Techno, Little brother is sleeping on me. ME Techno." I smiled.

The next day

(Dream pov)

I was sick of waiting.
"Can we start without them?" George asked as he rested his head on my shoulder. I laughed at George.
"No. I am very annoyed that they are late as well." I said, as George sat back up.

"Sorry we are late!" Tommy shouted as he Tubbo and Wilbur came running up to us. We were all sat in one of the spare fields at Sapnap's family farm.
"It's fine!" Fundy shouted as they ran over.
"Can we practice now?" Eret asked.
Sapnap was leaning against a fence with a cowboy hat on. He lifted his hat so he could see.
"Let's go!" He shouted.
"Okay." I said. "Get into uniform boys,"

The way home

(Eret pov)

I was walking home with Wilbur and his new brothers.
The play had gone well. We had managed to do it all within a few hours.
"Hey Will, which one of your younger brothers are the youngest?" I asked.
"Well-" Will was cut off by Tommy standing in my way and shouting at me.
"WE ARE NOT BROTHERS! I ONLY HAVE ONE BROTHER AND THAT IS TUBBO!" Tommy was trying to punch me. I stepped back while he continued trying to beat me up. Tubbo was pulling on Tommy's arm trying to stop him from touching me. He had tears falling from his eyes.
"Tommy stop!" He said, through his tears.
"NO!" Tommy shouted. "I ONLY HAVE ONE BROTHER!"
Tubbo was able to push Tommy to the floor. Tommy sat on his knees, he looked sad.
"Tommy, I'm sorry," I knelt down next to him. He looked at me. "I know you may not like it that much, or even feel like it yet, but you are now Wilbur's brother. I understand that you may not feel like Wilbur is not your brother yet. You have only known him for a few days. However, he is. If you don't want me to, I will not say he is your brother. That okay?" I held his hand.
He looked up at me and nodded.
"I guess. Please don't call me and Wilbur brothers." Tommy smiled.
I hugged him.

We continued walking after me and Tubbo had helped Tommy up.
"Oh, the answer is Tommy." Wilbur said.
I nodded. "I hope he is okay." I looked back at him and Tubbo. They were walking behind us.
"He should be. He is like this. Panics. I-" Wilbur checked that Tommy and Tubbo couldn't hear, "I love him."
"He is sweet." I said.
"He panicked when he left Tubbo alone when he and Phil went to the shop. I feel bad for them. They have had a rough past." Wilbur got his headphones out.
"Will?" I said.
He stopped putting his headphones on and turned to look at me. He placed them around his neck.
"Try and get them to speak to Techno. He had a rough past. He could help."
"Okay Eret," He put his headphones on and walked with his hands in his pocket. I knew what this ment. He was sad, and wanted go be alone. This means someone needs to speak to him. Something is on his mind. A sent a message to one of the nices people that I knew...

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