2 Panic

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(Tommy pov)

I just watched as Tubbo fell to the ground. Luckily there was a bag of dirt near by that his head fell on, so he didn't hurt himself. I ran over to him and called his name.
"Tubbo!" I shouted, I ran over to him to check that he was okay.
I heard Phil mutter: "oh God," and run over as well.
It didn't look like he had cut his head open.
Phil was checking if he had hurt himself untill I pushed him away.
"He's fine..." I mutted.
I am not sure why I pushed him away, as he could of helped Tubbo. I knew he wasn't fine.
"Does he pass out everyday at half 4?" Phil asked.
"Well... no... but-" He cut me off.
"Then he is not fine." Phil looked at me.
To be honest, I felt dumb after he said that. He had a point. I also had no reason to push him away. I just didn't want a person who we hardly knew touching my older twin.

2 hours later

(Tubbo pov)

I don't remember much about when I passed out. I remember seeing the large, and honestly scary house, seeing black and then waking up on a sofa looking at the back of Wilbur's beanie.
I sat up and looked at my surroundings. TOMMY! I thought. Where was he? I looked around the room. It was only me and Wilbur. He turned and looked at me. He must of heard me wake up.
"Tubbo, you okay bud?" He asked.
He was carmer. He must be over the sugar rush from before.
"I- I'm- I think so. Where is Tommy?" I asked.
"Oh! He and Phil went to get food." Wilbur smiled as he sat down next to me.
"He- he left me?" I said. I was shocked. Tommy never wanted to go anywhere without me.
"No silly! He went to get food with Phil! He seemed stressed when you passed out, so Phil just took him with him so he could have some, kinda, alone time." Wilbur was rubbong the back of his neck nerously. I feel like he only said that to make me feel better.

(Techno pov)

I was sat in my room. These kids where strange and need help. I figured that Tuboo would be up by now so I went downstairs to check. I was right. He was on the sofa hugging Will. However it sounded like he was crying.
"Tubbo?" I asked.
"He's not in the mood to talk Techno..." Will said.
I wasn't  gunna listen to that dumb boy. Wilbur knows nothing.
"Can I talk to you Tubbo?" I asked, trying to sound nice. I am very aware of my not so supportive voice. I seemed to have sacred the twins just by talking when I first met them.
"Okay..." Tubbo mutted, as he pulled away from Wilbur. I gave Will a sideways smile. He just looked angry with me. He held his fist up. He wouldn't fight me. I'm a lot stronger than him and he knows it.

I walked with Tubbo to his and Tommy's room. Tubbo sat on his green bed. I sat next to him, leaving a gap.

I hate human contact.

Tubbo wiped his eyes.
"You wanted to talk..." He mutted.
"Yeah... I wanted to know why you where so nervous. I know Will was nervous when we adopted him, but not as bad as you and Tommy."
"You noticed..."
"Bruhhh, you passed out because of fear." I tried not to giggle.
I saw Tubbo smile.
It did sound a bit silly.
"Do you remember that I asked to talk to you in the car?" I asked.
Tubbo thought for a second.
"Yes. I do now." He looked at me, "Why?"
"I wanted to tell you that you are safe. I have been through a lot. Wilbur was up for adoption when he was 1 after his parents died in a fire. He doesn't remember it. He doesn't know the pain. I was adopted at 10. I still know the pain of loseing everything and-"
"Being moved to live with people you don't know," We finished at the same time. We looked at each other.
"Thank you," Tubbo said, a slight smile on his face.

(Tommy pov)

I sat in the car on the way home. I hated to leave Tubbo for more than 10 minutes. It had been two hours.
"Phil, what if Tubbo wakes up and sees I am not there?" I asked.
"I'm sure he will be okay. He has the smart Techno and the annoying Wilbur." Philza laughed.
I giggled. "I hope he doesn't panic..."
"He should be okay. Look we are home now." Philza pointed at the house.
"Thank you Phil!" I got out of the car and ran in doors. I heard Phil laugh at my speed. I ignored him. There was one thing on my mind: Tubbo. I was confused when I went inside.

He wasn't there.

I sat on the sofa. I couldn't stand anymore. I started to breath heavily. Tubbo is gone. I left him to long. I failed. He could be hurt. My vision became blurry. I curled up in a ball, crying.

(No one pov)

Wilbur looked at Tommy and shouted for Techno and Tubbo to come. Phil walked in and ran over.
"Is he okay?" Wilbur asked.
"I-" Phil was intruded by Tubbo.
"TOMMY!" Tubbo shouted.
Techno walked over to Tommy quietly.
"Can you haer me?" Techno asked.
Tommy nodded.
"Can you do something for me?"
Tommy nodded again.
"When I say 1, breath in. When I say 2, breath out, Okay? You got that?" Techno asked.
"O- o- okay..." Tommy said.
"Okay," Techno said, "1,2,1,2,1,2."
Before long Tommy started to say the numbers with him.
Tommy looked up. He saw Tubbo.
"Tubbo?" Tommy smiled.
Tubbo hugged his younger brother.

2 and a half hours later

(Tommy pov)

I woke up. The clock said it was 9pm. I don't remember going to sleep. I looked to my left. Tubbo lay his head on my shoulder. I smiled. He was still asleep. I looked around the room. Wilbur was laying on the armchair in what looked like a very uncomfortable position. He had his head phones still around his neck and his beanie had fell on the floor. Techno was asleep on the floor by the fire place. He had a pillow on his head. Phil was nowher to be seen.

I felt a gust of cold wind gis my face. The window was open. I gently moved Tubbo's head of my shoulder and placed it on the pule of pillows the other side of him. I closed the window. It made a loud noise. Heck I thought. I looked around, hoping no one had woken up. It looked like no one had.

I sat back down on the sofa.
"Ah!" I turned to see Wilbur kneeling by the arm of the sofa next to me.
"Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you Tommy." He giggled a bit.
"Did- did I wake you?" I asked.
"Na. That moron did." He pointed to Techno. "He isn't asleep. He heard me laugh at you closing the window and threw a pillow at me."
"What was so funny about me closing the window?"
"Oh! Your face when it made a noice." Wilbur giggled again.
"Shut up," Techno whispered as he threw a pillow at Wilbur.

(Wilbur pov)

I felt the pillow hit my face and laughed.
"Why?' I asked, "not like you sleep anyway!"
I found this very funny and couldn't stop laughing. I must have woken Tubbo because I heard him yawn and ask what the time was.
"9." Tommy said, hugging his twin.
I was still laughing. I am not sure why I found this so funny.
I watched as Techno stood up and slapped me round the race.
"Ow!" I held my face, "What the hell!"
Techno laughed.
"Why did you do that?" I asked.
"Because you need to shut up. Sorry Tubbo. Go back to sleep. You too Tommy. We are going to school tomorrow so you may need your rest." Techno said.
"Oh yeah! Yes!" I smiled, ignoring the fact that half of my face was red from where Techno had slapped me.

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