6 Bandages

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6 pm

(Techno pov)

Phil called us for dinner. Tommy and Tubbo had spent most of the day with Jack, and I had to supervise them while Wilbur got to go out with Sally. But it was cold out, so the fire was lot.
Though I noticed something. Ever since Tommy climbed up the tree with Jack, if something touched the bottom half of his right arm, he would flinch in pain. I hadn't seen a wound, but there must be one.

As I walked downstairs, I walked over to Tommy and Tubbo.
"You okay guys? Did you have a good day?" I asked, more aiming the first question at Tommy.
"Yes! Today was amazing! Thank you for watching us so we could go out with Jack!" Tubbo replied happily.
"Anytime. How about you Tommy?"
He hummed a 'uh hu' and looked at the ground.

Something was up.

As we ate dinner, I sat opposite Tommy, to keep an eye on him. I saw red on his hand. He noticed and got a tissue and wiped it away before anyone else could see.
Normally after we finished dinner, we would talk a bit about the day, however I had to check Tommy was okay.
"Hey, can I speak to Tommy?" I whispered to Phil. He looked confused but nodded.
"Come on Tommy," I got up.
"What about Tubbo?" Tommy asked, in confusion.
Tubbo wasn't even paying attention. He was laughing at Wilbur's story about when he slipped on a can and bashed into a pole.
"Just you." I said as he got up.

I walked with him to the med room. It was a spair bedroom, so Phil got a small bed and we use it as a med room. We kept all of out medical supplies in there for easy access.
"Why are we here?" Tommy asked as he sat on the bed.

(Tommy pov)

I was confused. Techno had pulled me out of the conversation and taken me to the med room.
"I need to check your arm." He said.
Oh no, oh no He saw.
"Um, why?" I asked pulling my sleeve over my hand.
"Your clearly hurt it." He replied.
I sighed and pulled up my sleeve.

The cut from earlier. The straight cut that went all the way down the bottom half of my arm.

Techno looked at it in shock.
He took a picture, then cleaned it up. After cleaning it he took a second picture.
I was confused. Why was he taken all of these pictures?
He gots some bandages and wrapped my arm.
"Thank you...." I said.
"Your Welcome. Why didn't you tell me?" He asked.

I wasn't about to say I didn't because I didn't think of him as a brother and I fought of him as more of a friend you only ever say 'hi' to.

"I... I don't know." I lied.
I had no clue if he knew that I was lieing, but I didn't say anything.
He huged me. Techno hugged me. He never hugs anyone. Not evn Phil.

"Tell me next time, okay?" He said.
I nodded. I knew I could trust Techno now.
"Let's go tell Phil." He grabbed my hand. I squeezed it. I'm not 2. I just wanted someone I could trust.
"Can- Can we get Henry?" I asked nervously.
"Your toy cow? Sure." Techno walked into my room and gave me the cow.
"Thank you." I hugged the cow with one arm and held Technoblade's hand with the other hand.

(Philza pov)

I was sat in the living room watching Wilbur show Tubbo how to do what he need him to do on the keyboard. Then Tommy and Techno walked in.
"Oh my god! What happened?" I saw Tommy's arm was wrapped in a bandage.
"I'll show you." Techno pulled out his phone.

We walked over to the other side of the room. He showed me pictures on his phone. One of when it wasn't cleaned up and one of when it was.
"How?" I asked.
"I think he hurt it on a tree. Him and Jack, Jack Manifold, the one I help get out of detention, climbed a tree. I noticed he looked in pain if something hurt his arm arm ever since." Techno said.
I knew Jack. I knew he wouldn't notice if Tommy hurt himself, so I didn't bother askinf him.
"So your not sure? I'll ask him." I said as I looked over at Tommy.
He was sat on the sofa watching Tubbo and Wilbur.
I sat next to him.

(No one pov)

Phil looked at Tommy.
"You okay?" He asked.
"I'm fine." He put his legs on the sofa and put his rams around them.
"You don't seem fine, wanna talk?" Phil asked.
"Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!" Wilbur shouted.
"What Will?" Philza laughed.
Tubbo had fallen asleep on the floor, so Wilbur was bored.
"I am going to go to town tomorrow to meet Sally." He said.
"Can I go to town?" Tommy asked.
"Sure you can go with Wil," Philza smiled as Wilbur sighed, "As long as you tell me where you hurt yourself."
Tommy looked at the ground.
"I cut myself on a stick." Tommy said.
"Okay. Tell me next time you hurt yourself. You can go with Will tomorrow."
"Bur Sally will be there!" Wilbur said, "It was ment to be a date!"
"Well, Tommy will be there." Phil walked over to Tubbo and took him to bed.
"Argh!" Wilbur complained.

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