20 PVP school

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(Wilbur pov)

I woke up. The dream I had had was horrible. I saw Sally was still asleep. I listened to her breathing.
"Hey molesto."
I looked up to see Techno. He was leaning on the halt of his sword.
"Hey Techno." I smiled.
Though he held the weapon, I felt safe with him around. He was my brother after all. It was funny, we had the same birthday, so Phil calls us twins, even though we are not. He is also a year older than me, so didn't make much sence. He felt like my twin though. We had that connection.
"You good molesto?" He asked.
"Yeah. Bad dream." I sighed.
"Ha! Don't think I'm gunna be like Tubbo and sing." He did a few different fighting stances before walking over to me.
"I heard you singing a fan song." I smiled.
"You know, Syndicate." I laughed.
"You heard nothing!" Techno giggled.
"Sing Techno. Go on." I laughed.
"If anyone asks, you heard nothing!" Techno picked up my guitar.

"Hey, I’ll tell you a little secret of mine

f you promise not to tell, if you have the time

Everyone has gotten you always on the run
But if you join the Syndicate
Life could get a little more fun

When all of the horses and all of the men
Won’t learn from history, it’s all the same in the end
I’ve told you once and I’ll tell you again
The Syndicate is looking for a couple new friends

A Couple new friends

Fight for freedom, fight to end the pain
Hey this is serious, it’s not just some little game
‘Cause the anarchy’s part of me, tyranny bothers me
End it all properly once and for all
They call us the villains ‘cause they know we’ll take the fall

When all of the horses and all of the men
Won’t learn from history, it’s all the same in the end
I’ve told you once and I’ll tell you again
The Syndicate is looking for a couple new friends

Oh, a couple new friends

You'll gain a couple new friends." Techno sighed.
"There we go."
"Thanks. Night Bro." I said.
"Later nerd." He left the house.

The next day

(Phil pov)

I heard a nock at the door. I answered.
There was a boy in a blue striped jumper. He wore green trousers that matched the green scarf that covered his mouth. His hair was fairly messy and brown. He looked up at me. He had deep green eyes.
"Hello?" I asked.
He nodded hello back.
"Who are you?"
"Mega! Amazing to meet you!" Techno stood next to me. Techno and 'Mega' shock hands.
"Who is Mega? And why is he here?" I asked.
Mega pulled out a note book and wrote something. He showed me what he had wrote.

Hello Philza. I am Mega PVP, or just Mega. I am friends with Skeppy. Techno agreed to train me in pvp, as he is really good and I want to become famous in fighting.

"Oh, okay." I looked at Techno. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"Meh, Come in Mega." Techno let him in.
Mega nodded then came in.
"Sit down. I'll get the basement ready. No, I am not kidnapping you." Techno giggled.

(Mega pov)

Techno saw my smile from under my scarf.

Good joke. Your funny.

I showed him what I wrote.
"Thanks." He said. "You seem nice."
Techno went to sort out the basement. I sat on the sofa waiting. I took my sword off my back and placed it leaning against the sofa. It was in it's case so I didn't hurt anyone.

A boy in green walked in.
I looked at him and waved.
"Hello. Who are you?" He asked.

I'm Mega. You?

I wrote. He read it.
"I'm Tubbo. How are you?" He asked.
I nodded and gestured for him to answer the same question.
"I'm good." He sat down next to me.
"Do you talk? And why are you hear?" Tubbo asked.
Why does he ask so many questions?

No. I do not talk out loud. I am hear because Techno is gunna help me get better at pvp. I want to be a famous pvper and I feel like he can help me.

Tubbo nodded.
"Cool." He said.
I nodded.
Darn does he ask a lot of questions. My hand is gunna hurt later from all the wrighting I am gunna have to do.
"Do you talk to your family?" Tubbo aked.
I shock my head.
"Have you spoken to anyone?"
I shock my head.
"Will you talk to me?"
I shock my head.
"Worth a shot," he laughed. I smiled.
Man, my head is gunna hurt too.
"Can I learn to fight too?" He asked.
I got out my pad.

Well, you have to ask Techno. He is the one who is teaching me. I'm sure he will be happy to teach you as he is your older brother an all.

"Okay." Tubbo looked at me, "Do you have any siblings?"
I shock my head.
"You must be lonely. You know, cause you don't have any siblings."
I looked at the ground and thought. Yeah, I was lonely. My parents were hardly ever home, and I only saw Skeppy once a week.

I guess I do get lonely. My parents are hardly ever home, and I only see Skeppy once a week.

"Oh... I feel bad for you man." He said.
I nodded a thank you.
"Come down Mega." Techno said.
"Can I come?" Tubbo asked.
"Sure. You have to watch this time though. I'll buy you a sword at some point." Techno said.
We walked down in to the basement. I had one thing on my mind: loneliness.

Hope you are enjoying!

So, change in the story a bit (incase you haven't seen)

They made a movie earlier on (About L'manburg independence)
I have changed it a bit so the Dream smp are books that Technoblade has written and published in this world.
He only published them AFTER Tommy, Tubbo and fundy joined Wilbur's friendship group.
That is how Technoblade is able to sing Syndicate.
Because in my very odd story, the song is based of the books that Technoblade has written.

Hope that makes sense

Also, Syndicate is by Deviakat. You ahould go check her out

(There is also 24 parts to this story btw)
Personally, I like this and the chapters about Mega and Techno fighting.

Who is ya'lls favourite character?


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