10 Family of nightmares

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(Tommy pov)

Me and Tubbo sat in our pillow and blanket fort. Somehow, Tubbo had gotten the bed from the spair room, and had put it as the floor of our fort. Wilbur and Sally where hugging on the sofa bed, Phil sat in the conservatory and Techno on a arm chair. Everyone was asleep: Well, other than me. I had had a nightmare.

I suddenly heard Wilbur shout "NO!"
I peaked my head out the fort. He was holding his legs close to his chest, crying.
I had never seen Wilbur cry. It was horrible. He didn't notice me. To be honest, I think that is a good thing. I shouldn't be awake.
Sally woke up and started to comfort him.
I just watched. Well, until Tubbo woke up.
"What is the time?" Tubbo whispered to me.
I looked at the clock on the wall.
"11:26. Why?" I asked.
"We should be asleep. What are you looking at?" He peaked his head out. "Oh."

He spoke to loud.
Sally turned and looked at us.
"Tubbo!" I whispered, angrily.
"Sorry..." He rolled his eyes.
"Go back to sleep boys." Sally said.
"Er, Yes! Um, Okay!" I went back in the fort. Tubbo didn't, so I pulled him in.
"Whoa!" Tubbo said.
Tubbo was giggling. I could tell Sally had gone back to sleep. Tubbo's laughter wasn't exactly quiet.
"Come on! I was watching them!" I said.
"Sorry. What happened anyway?" He asked.
"Hey! You where the one watching them in the first place!"
He had got me there.
"Fine. Wilbur woke up and shouted 'No' and started crying. Then Sally woke up and yeah, now they are both asleep again."
I said.
"He probably had a nightmare. We all get them. I was talking to Dad yesterday, and he said that Wilbur and Techno get them a lot. A bit like you." Tubbo smiled.
A chill ran down mine spin. I knew how often I got nightmares. I hated when people brought it up though.
"Yeah..." I mumbled
"Is that why you where up? Nightmares." Tubbo asked.
"Fine. It was."
He frowned at me. "Tell Dad."
"What?!" I shouted, not caring if I woke anyone, "Why wou-"
Tubbo put his hand over my mouth.
"Shut it!" He said. "You gonna wake everyone! Let's go to sleep." Tubbo lay down and hugged his bee toy.
"Sure Tubbo."

(Tubbo pov)

Morning came quickly after the incident of last night. I saw that someone, who I am assuming was Dad, had put me and Tommy in my bed. I walked downstairs quietly trying not to wake anyone. It was still only 6. When I got down I saw someone.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Urgh! I've been seen!" They replied.
"Who are you?!" I looked at them. They were in all black. The figure picked up Wilbur's guitar.
"Hey! Put that down!" I snatched it out their hands.
"Hey!" He started chasing me. I held the neck of the guitar as I ran.
I ran into the kitchen.

A bad idea.

I realised they Phil had locked the second door out of the kitchen. I put my back against it and slid to the floor. I was going to go under his legs. WAS. That was until he kicked me in the stomach.
"Ow!" I managed to get out.
I was kicked on the leg. He punch me in the nose. It started bleeding. I looked up at him. I still had the guitar.
There was a noise from upstairs. The man ran out of the window, leaving me unable to walk.

I didn't want to get blood on Will's guitar, so I pushed it away from me. I skid it across the foor and out of the kitchen.
I saw Will. I picked up his guitar then go his room. He hadn't seen me. I was to busy trying to work out what had happened.
I looked around for anything that I could reach to help me. Kitchen roll. Score. I grabbed it and used it as tissues for my nose. I looked down. I had blood on my hands, top and jeans. How was I going to explain what happened to Phil? I waited for someone to notice me. I couldn't walk, so that was all I could do.

10 minutes later

(Still Tubbo pov)

I sat there for what felt like forever. My nose was still bleeding, and I was hoping it would stop. I couldn't reach the bin, so all the bits of kitchen roll I had used, where in a pile next to me. I wasn't going to throw them either. The bin was at the other side of the kitchen, chances of me getting them in: zero. I also noticed that the pile was a fair size and that we were almost out of kitchen roll.
"Dad!" I shouted. Well not really. Said loudly would be a better way to describe it.
Phil must have been in the living room. He came over. A look of shock crossed his face.
"Tubbo! Are you okay? What happened how long have you been here?" Phil sat down in front of me.
"Ur, about 10 minutes. A guy tried to steal Will's guitar. So I ran with it. However, I didn't realise this door was locked, so I had trapped myself. He kicked my stomach and my leg. He then punched my nose. Now I have a nose bleed that..." I looked at the kiten roll I had been using. "Has almost stopped." I changed the 'tissue'.
"I saved Will's guitar though!" I smiled a bit.
"Oh Tubbo! How long have you been here?"
He probably would of held my hand if it didn't have my own blood on it.
"Um 10 minutes, I think." I replied.
"Has your nose stopped?" He asked.
"Yeah. Now it has. Um, sorry about that we have no kitchen roll and that I have made a huge mess of the kitchen floor. And that I am a mess." I looked at myself.
"No! Tubbo it is fine. You needed it. I can go to the shop anyway. Come on. Let's get you cleaned up." Phil smiled.
"My leg hurts, can you help me walk?" I asked nervously.
"Come on," He helped me as we went to the medical room.

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