8 Baking a cake

978 49 20

After Tommy and Wilbur had left
10 am

(Tubbo pov)

I sat on the sofa watching what ever dumb movie was on. Not sure what it was. I watched it anyway. Phil walked in.
"Phil?" I asked.
"Hey Tubbo, wanna bake a cake with me?" He asked.
"Okay. How do you make a cake?" I asked.
Phil used his phone to send a picture of how to make a cake to the TV.
I was a big paragraph.
"I'm dyslexic." I said looking at the screen then at Phil.
"I'll read it to you as we go along, does that sound good?"

Time skip

(Still Tubbo pov)

We had finished the cake and put it in the oven.
"We can decorate it tomorrow. Just give it half an hour and then it will be done. But what do you want to do till then?" Phil asked.
"We could clean up?" I suggested.
"Sure bud,"

By the time we had cleaned up the cake was done. Philza put it away so we could decorate it tomorrow.
"What now?" I asked, as me and Phil walked into the living room.
Suddenly, a pillow hit my face. Phil was laughing.
"Hey!" I smiled, as I threw one back at him.

This fight lasted an hour and a half. We where laughing the whole time and enjoying each others company. I lay on the sofa, breathing heavily. I smiled. Phil leaned over me.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Yeah..." I my smile only grew.
Phil started tickling me. I couldn't help but laugh so hard that my sides hurt.
"Dad! Stop!" I said through my laughter.

Suddenly, it was like time had stopped. Phil and I had realised what I had said. He stopped ticking and I stop laughing.
"I-" I said. I don't know why. I had nothing to say.
"You- You called me dad..." Phil said.
"I- I, um..."
Tears of happiness started to fall down his face. He picked me up and sat on the sofa. I smiled. I finally felt safe around these guys.
Calling him 'dad' had slipped out by accident, but I was happy that it had.
"You called me dad..." Phil smiled and hugged me tighter.
"Thank you Phil. For adopting me and Tommy." I said.
"Your welcome Tubbo." He smiled.
"Thanks Dad." I was happy calling him dad now.

Time skip
When Tommy and Wilbur came home

(Tommy pov)

I ran in the house to see Tubbo and Phil hugging on the sofa. They were watching one of Tubbo's favourite movies.
"Hi!" I smiled.
"Tommy!" Tubbo ran and huggged me.
"Hi Tubbo" I said as I pulled away.
Wilbur walked in behind me. He looked a bit upset.
"You okay Will?" Phil asked.
"He's grummpy because I said I would tell you if he kissed Sally, so he couldn't kiss her." I giggled.
Tubbo laughed.
"You know why Will," Phil said.
"Cause you want to see my first kiss, I know..." He rolled his eyes.
"You wanted to ask Phil something," I said.
"Oh! What do you want to ask Dad?" Tubbo asked.
Me and Wilbur looked at him.
"Did- did you just call him dad?" I asked.
"Well, he is our dad..." Tubbo said.
"Anyway, can Sally come over after dinner tomorrow night?" Wilbur asked, "She wants to meet you, Techno and Tubbo. Also, I just to spend more time with her."
"Sure! Me and Tubbo can decorate the cake we made tomorrow and we can have it together." Phil smiled.
"Cool. I'll message her. 8?"

(Techno pov)

I was sat on the stairs and heard the whole thing.
"Can I mock you infront of her?" I asked.
"No! While she is round I want everyone to be on there best behaviour. Make a good impression." Wilbur said.
"She got me this bee! I already think she is great!" Tubbo smiled as he hugged the bee.
Tommy and Tubbo got a cow and bee and apparently, according to Tommy, Sally got them as a gift.

"I guess that makes sense. You want to impress your girlfriend. Got it." I smiled.

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