14 Fighting

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The next day

(Tommy pov)

I watched as Sally walked into the living room and towards the door.
Wilbur came running after her. He kept nearly tripping.
"Sally! Wait!" Wilbur yelled.
"I'm leaving Will." Sally said. She looked at him.
"Sally wait! I'm sorry!" Wilbur stood in the way of the door. "Don't leave!"
"Will, I don't want to speak to you right now. I'm leaving." She pushed passed him and left.

Wilbur walked into the living room.
"You okay Wilbur?" I asked.
"Leave me alone!" Wilbur yelled.
He punched me in the nose. It started to bleed.
"Wilbur!" I yelled. "Phil! Wilbur punched me in the nose! Now I have a nose bleed!"
Phil ran downstairs.
"You child! Why did you tell him!" Wilbur ran to his room.
"Wilbur you get back here right now!" Phil yelled.
"Ha! No! Try me old man!" Wilbur slammes his door.

(No one pov)

Tommy's nose had stopped bleeding.
Wilbur came downstairs.
"I'm sorry Tommy." He said. Wilbur's eyes where red where he had clearly been crying.
"Why did you do it Wilbur?" Phil asked.
"I was angry." Wilbur said.
"I don't want to talk about it."
"Fine. Me and Sally had a fight." Wilbur started to strum his guitar, clearly trying not to flip out again.
"About what?" Phil asked.

(Wilbur pov)

I didn't want to tell Phil.

The argument was about, well, me.

I was keeping secrets. Many secrets.

"Dad, I-"
"Truth Will." Phil sighed.
"I was keeping secrets." I loked at the ground.
"Why?" Phil asked.
"I didn't want to tell her that I once- once- I told Dream that we- we were not dating. Cause I was embarrassed." Wilbur started crying.
Suddenly, someone came in the door.
Sally walked in.

(Wilbur pov)

I looked at Sally. There were tears in here eyes as well.
"Wilbur. I want to talk now." She said.
I ran and hugged her. She hugged me back.

(Techno pov)

I wanted to take Tommy somewhere. I also knew that Wilbur and Sally would of wanted privacy. Tubbo, Karl and Quackity were playing in Tommy and Tubbo's room. They were fine.
"Tommy." I said. "Come with me. Get on some warm clothes and a coat. We are going out."
Tommy went to get changed into something warm. I placed his warms coat and a pair of winter boots next to the door. Me and Phil looked at each other. He knew where I was takeing Tommy.

Tommy came down in a fluffy jumper, a warm pair of trousers and very fluffy socks.
I handed him the coats and boots and he put them on.
"Wait!" Phil said. "I gave Tubbo his, so here are yours Tommy."
He handed Tommy a red and white bobble hat, red and white gloves and a red and white scarf.
"Thank you..." Tommy thought for a second as he put them on. Once he had finished put his hat on, he said, "Dad."
Tommy walked out the door. I winked at Phil, who was smiling, then closed the door.


(Tommy pov)

Me and Techno got out of Techno and Wilbur's car. It was freezing. I was happy Phil had given me the hat, hloves and scarf.
We were at an abandoned building. It was all burnt down. There was only remains of what I could have only thought was a nice house.
"Techno... were are we?" I asked.
"This way." Techno led me to the centre of the remains. There was a pile of sticks. Techno lit a fire. I ran and sat next to it, happy about the warmth.
"We are at my old house." Techno said. I looked at him.
"What?" I asked.
"I burnt it down. I lived with my mum, dad, brother and sister. I went to light the fire place and..." He gestured to the place we were sat.
"I'm sorry." I said.
"It's fine. I am happy you brought it up. I blamed myself for ages after it happened. I noticed you blame yourself for things. Like your parents death." Techno said.
A chill ran down my spine.
"So! I right down the things I blame myself for, put them on the fire and burn them. Then I know that the problems are gone. It makes me feel better." Techno handed me some papper and a pen.
"Now you do that."
"What?" I asked.
"Go on. Write down somethings you blame yourself for, then burn them."
I wrote down a few things. I looked up at Techno to show I was done.
"Good. Now chuck it in the fire." He said.
I put the paper in the fire and watched as it burned. I smiled. It worked.
"Come on Tommy. Let's go home." Techno helped me up and we got in the car, ready for a 1 and a half hour drive.

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