7 Town

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The next day

(Wilbur pov)

Honestly, I would have proffered it if Tommy didn't come. He was skipping with happiness. I wasn't happy. He had ruined mine and Sally's date.

"Where are we meeting her?" Tommy asked.
"There," I said, pointing to a pole. There was a red haired girl stood there: Sally.
"Cool!" Tommy smiled, "No kissing" He whispered.
"Shut up, I know." I rolled my eyes.
"Will!" Sally walked over.
"Hi Sally!" I smiled and held her hand.
"Who is this?" She asked.
"Oh, this is one of the twins I told you about. Tommy, the younger one,"
"Though I act more like the older one," Tommy smiled.
"Hi Tommy. Let's have a fun game to introduce ourselves. You say 3 things about you, and I say 3 things about me!" Sally smiled.
"Okay, I'll go first!" Tommy smiled.
I just stood there and watched.
"I am a twin, I am a big man and I look amazing!" Tommy smiled, he did finger guns.
Sally giggled, I just scoffed. Tommy and Tubbo where finally starting to trust us and boy was Tommy full of himself.
"Wow, well, I am a year younger than Will, I live very close to you guys and I play piano and sing." Sally smiled.
She looked over at me.
"You okay?" She asked.
"Yeah... just annoyed that Tommy coming kinda ruined our date," I sighed. I know I couldn't lie to Sally; she would see right through it.
Tommy clearly didn't hear what I said. He was busy looking at a stuffed toy cow.
"Come on Will! We don't get to see each other very often! We can still hang out, even with Tommy here." She smiled at me.
"Yeah..." I sighed.
"Do want that Tommy?" Sally asked, walking over to Tommy.
"Yeah! It is so cute!" Tommy smiled.
"Okay! I'll  buy it for you, a gift from me," Sally smiled. I caught her eye and smiled. She is so nice.
"Are- Are you sure? I have some money, I could buy it." Tommy said.
"Don't be silly! I'll buy it as a gift. What does your twin like? I could get him something too."

I watched as Tommy and Sally looked at a toy bee for Tubbo. Tommy said they were different because they were much bigger. The ones I had gotten them where only about the size of your hand. These ones where at lest the size of a small dog.

Once Sally had brought them, we dropped them off in my car; there was no way I was gunna carry them around all day.

"Hey, why don't we go get your favourite ice cream Will?" Sally smiled at me.
"Sure." I said. "I'll pay."
"Your the best Will," Sally rested her head on my shoulder as we walked.
"Aww!" Tommy giggled.
"It's not cute!" I said.
"It is Will," Sally giggled.
I looked down at he head.
Suddenly, I saw a flash. Tommy had taken a picture.
"Tommy! Delete that!" I shouted.
Tommy laughed, "Never!" He smiled.
"Tommy! You child! Delete it!" I said.
Tommy gasped. He had an idea.
"I'm gunna send it to Da- Phil!" Tommy started typing on his phone.
"No!" I tried to grab his phone.
"Will?" What so bad about him sending it?" Sally said, looking at me.
"Sent! Not just to Phil... I accidentally sent it on the family group chat..." Tommy giggled.
I check my phone. I had, indead, received the message.
"Tommy! What is wrong with you!" I shouted.
"Why is it a bad thing?" Sally asked again.
"I- well, him sending it to Phil isn't bad, it's Techno that is the problem. He's gunna mock me till the end of time!" I replied.
"Where here!" Sally said, obviously trying to avoid the awkward situation we where in.
"Oh! Yay!" Tommy smiled. He put his phone away and smiled.

We finished our Ice cream and where waiting for Tommy to come out the bathroom.
"Want to go to the beach? To cool off for earlier." Sallly asked.
I looked at her and smiled.
"I would love that," I held her hand.
"Still angry about Tommy coming with us?"
"A bit... he has ruined the day. At least you got to meet one of my brothers."
"Do you if I can meet Tubbo and Techno? And Phil?"
"Well, you could come round after dinner. Maybe tomorrow." I smiled.
"I can do tomorrow. You ask Phil when you get back." She smiled. "Text me his answer."
"Big man is back!" Tommy smiled as he walked over.
"Come on Tommy. We are going to the beach!" Sally smiled.
"Yes!" Tommy smiled.
I smiled. "Let's go!"

We arrived at the beach. Me and Sally where walking by the water while Tommy got some chips. We watched as the sun set.
"The day wasn't to bad, was it?" Sally said as she smiled at me.
"Yeah, it wasn't to bad," I smiled back.
"I love you Will,"
"I love you too Sally."

We heard Tommy giggle. I turned around. He was holding up his phone. He had taken pictures.
"If you dare send them to Techno!" I shouted running over to him.
"Catch me if you can!" Tommy ran.

(Sally pov)

I watched as Wilbur chased Tommy around the beach. I giggled. Tommy was nice, though Wilbur finds him annoying.
"Will! Leave the poor boy alone!" I shouted through my laughter.
He looked at me, love in his eyes.
He smiled and I smiled back. Suddenly, Tommy pushed Wilbur into a hole in the sand.
"Ha ha lover boy!" Tommy shouted.
I ran and kneeled down next to the hole.
"Are you okay Will?" I asked, sounding slightly alarmed.
"Yeah... yeah I am fine," He looked up at me and smiled. I smiled at him. I held out my hand. He accepted it and I help him out. We stood next to each other looking at the sunset. Wilbur put up his hand in ahld a heart shape. I put my hand up to finish the heart. We looked at each other.
"Can we go now? I wanna put these pictures on the computer!" Tommy said.
"Okay. Uh, Sally do- do want me to drive you home?" Wilbur said.
"Sure," I smiled at him.

(Tommy pov)

I looked through the pictures of Wilbur and Sally. Some of them where cute and I was so gunna use these to mock Wilbur later. Also send them to Technoblade. He can help me mock Wilbur.
"Here we are Sally!" Wilbur said as we arrived at her house. She was right. If you turn the corner and go straight, you would be at our house.
Will and Sally got out the car. I could faintly hear what they where saying. Something about loveing each other. Yuck! The pair started to get closer to each other. I whined my window down.
"Remember No kissing Wilbur!" I shouted.
He looked at me.
"Shut it Tommy." Wilbur said. "If we kiss, you won't tell dad will you?"
"Oh, I so will!" I said smiling.
"Sorry Sally." Wilbur said, as he faced her.
"It's okay." She giggled. "Why does he not want you to kiss anyway?"
"Dad wants to see my first kiss. Not sure why though." Wilbur shrugged.
Sally giggled and put her hand through Wilbur's hair.
"See you later Wilbur," she turned and walked to her house.
"I love her so much..." Wilbur mutted.
"Yuck! Shut yo Wilbur. Can we go home now?" I asked.
"You gremlin! I hate you!" Wilbur smaked my face lightly.

He got in the car and started driveing.

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